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Introduction to psychological scales: Jackson Personality Inventory (JPI-R) - a psychological tool for exploring individual differences

In the field of psychology, personality scales are important tools for assessing individual psychological characteristics. The Jackson Personality Inventory-Revised (JPI-R) is one of the widely used scales. It was developed by American psychologist Douglas N. Jackson in 1974 to comprehensively assess an individual's personality traits. Jackson Personality Inventory Structure and Characteristics ...

Who is most likely to recruit villains in the workplace? Numerology experts name 4 zodiac signs to be careful about

Zodiac conflict in the workplace Although from the perspective of zodiac signs, the zodiac signs that are prone to villains are different every year, but in terms of actual personality differences, in a workplace where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the strong, there are indeed certain zodiac signs that are easy to conflict with others, such as 'Tiger, Dragon' , horse, dog' is talking ab...

What should you know about psychological testing?

What should you know about psychological testing?
What is a psychological test? Psychological testing refers to a scientific way to measure the differences in the intelligence level and personality of the person being evaluated through a series of scientific methods. Principles of psychological testing 1. Personal privacy must be protected. Because psychological tests involve personal privacy in terms of personal intelligence, abilities, etc., s...

What is unipolar depression? How to get rid of it?

What is unipolar depression? How to get rid of it?
What is unipolar depression? Depression is a common mental health condition that causes people to feel sad, powerless, or numb. Nearly one in six adults in the United States has experienced or currently experiences some degree of depression. If you are often depressed and have lost interest in life, you may wonder if you have depression. However, when you want to learn more about depression, you...

Psychological and emotional needs in SM relationships

SM (Sadomasochism) is a form of consensual sexual behavior that involves pain, control, submission and dominance. Although there is still a lot of prejudice and discrimination against SM in some societies, more and more people are accepting this sexual behavior as a healthy and positive way to satisfy psychological and emotional needs. This article will explore the psychological and emotional need...

'Harvard Happiness Course' teaches you how to improve your happiness

What is happiness? This is an old and timeless question, and everyone may have a different answer. However, there are some scientific studies and practices that can help us better understand and improve our happiness. 'Harvard Happiness Course' is one such course. It was established by Harvard University psychology professor Tal Ben-Shahar. It has attracted more than 1,400 students to take it and ...

Depression is not just a bad mood, it is a health killer in the 21st century! Take a 3-minute self-test to see if you have symptoms of depression

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only affects a person's mood, thinking, behavior and body, but can also be life-threatening! According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people worldwide will suffer from depression in 2020, making it the leading cause of human disability. Nearly 2 million people in Taiwan also suffer from depressive symptoms, ac...

10 useful ideas from 'Harvard Happiness Course'

How to improve happiness? Harvard professor shares 10 practical tips Happiness is the eternal pursuit of human beings, but how to improve happiness? In his 'Harvard Happiness Course', Harvard professor Tal Ben-Shahar shared 10 very useful ideas to help us find the secret to happiness. Accept your own imperfections. We are all human beings, not gods. We have flaws and we make mistakes. This is no...

Mental health test, how is your mental health?

Mental health is a very important component of a person's mental state. The pressure and fast-paced lifestyle in modern life make more and more people feel psychological stress and discomfort. Therefore, it is important to take a mental health test to understand your mental state. This article will introduce you to some tests that can help you understand your mental health status, and also provid...

Situational depression: depression triggered by stressful events

Situational depression: depression triggered by stressful events
Have you ever felt depressed, sad, or anxious because of some stress or trauma in your life? If so, you may be suffering from situational depression. This is a common psychological reaction that can be relieved with proper treatment and self-care. Situational depression is different from clinical depression and needs to be treated differently. This article explains the difference between the two,...

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