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Stereotypes: How your brain tricks you

Have you ever had this experience: when you hear people from a certain area, you will think of certain characteristics of them, such as their accent, personality traits, favorite foods, etc.; when you see people from a certain profession When you meet people of a certain gender, you will think of some of their abilities, such as surgeons must be smart, teachers must be patient, actors must be very...

The top 10 annual popularity rankings of the 16 MBTI personality types are revealed! No surprise at all!

The top 10 annual popularity rankings of the 16 MBTI personality types are revealed! No surprise at all!
Are you on the annual popularity ranking of MBTI’s 16 personality types? The top 10 most popular MBTI personality types are revealed. People with these traits are the most popular! Free MBTI test methods and the latest questions in the Chinese version Through the MBTI test, we can better understand our own personality characteristics, such as extroversion, introversion, intuition, thinking, emot...

'Reverse MBTI test' measures your ideal type! MBTI love brain expression of different personalities

MBTI is a commonly used personality test tool that can help you understand your personality type and strengths. Did you know that MBTI can also be used to test your ideal type and how you behave in a relationship? Recently, a method of 'reverse MBTI testing' has become popular on the Internet. Just imagine the person you like and then answer the questions for him or her, and you can get your ideal...

i person’s darkest moment

A standard i person is an introvert who doesn't like socializing much and prefers to stay alone in his comfort zone. However, every New Year and holiday, i people will face some very uncomfortable situations. These situations may be normal for e people, but for i people, they are simply the darkest moments. Today, I would like to share with you my darkest moment as an i person. If you are also a ...

16 Sincere Life Advice for Young People

Young people, how are you? I am an old man who is over thirty years old. Today I want to share with you some experiences and lessons I have learned in life, hoping to be helpful and inspiring to you. I know you may think that I am an old antique and do not understand your world and ideas, but please believe me, I was once a young man just like you. I once had dreams and enthusiasm, and I also mad...

Three tips to teach you how to identify a person’s level of knowledge. They can be used in both conversation and reading.

Three tips to teach you how to identify a person’s level of knowledge. They can be used in both conversation and reading.
How to identify the level of knowledge of a person in a short communication? An experienced sales executive shares his secrets that work. These recognition methods are not only suitable for conversations, but can also be used to read other people's texts. Three moves to quickly determine whether the opponent is a master First, they always quote famous people to talk about things, but their level...

MBTI Cognitive Function: Understanding your own and other people’s thinking patterns

MBTI’s 8 cognitive functions Have you ever wondered why some people like risk-taking and innovation, while others prefer stability and tradition? Why do some people like logic and analysis, while others like emotion and empathy? Why do some people like planning and organization, while others like flexibility and randomness? These questions can all be answered using the MBTI cognitive function. M...

Why does studying psychology destroy the three views? Because it allows you to discover these amazing truths!

Psychology is a science that explores human psychological phenomena and behavioral laws. It involves human cognition, emotion, motivation, personality, society, development and other aspects. Studying psychology can help us better understand ourselves and others, and improve the quality and efficiency of life and work. However, studying psychology may also make us doubt and confuse some things th...

How to use micro-behaviors to read other people’s minds?

Have you ever had the experience that when you are chatting with a person, you always feel that he is a little unnatural and seems to be hiding something? Or have you ever wondered what your friends, colleagues, lovers, etc. are really thinking and feeling at certain moments? If you are interested in these questions, then you need to study microbehavioral psychology. What are microbehaviors? Simp...

How to accept compliments from others gracefully?

Have you ever felt embarrassed, unsure, or overwhelmed when others complimented you on your appearance, work, talents, or other aspects? Do you feel like you don’t deserve to be praised, or are you worried that praise will put pressure on you? If your answer is yes, then you may need to learn how to accept compliments gracefully. ! Praise is a positive way of communication that can enhance inter...

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