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To restore love, what exactly is it to restore?

Restoring love refers to taking positive actions when a relationship breaks down or is about to break up, hoping to regain the love and trust of the other party and rebuild and improve the relationship. Restoring love is not an easy task, because when a relationship breaks down, the two parties usually fall into quarrels, cold wars, or even breakups. At this time, if both parties do not have appr...

If the sixteen personalities of MBTI are compared to animals, what are they?

This article will introduce to you how the sixteen MBTI personalities are compared to animals and explain why. Please note that these metaphors are just a fun way to understand personality types and are not strictly scientific classifications. At the same time, each animal also has its own unique personality and behavioral traits, so these metaphors may only be approximate. ISTJ Red Wolf ! The ...

do you know? Your depression may have something to do with your gut! Something called probiotics can change your mood!

do you know? Your depression may have something to do with your gut! Something called probiotics can change your mood!
Depression is a common psychological problem that affects more than 17 million adults and 3.2 million adolescents in the United States, all of whom suffer from severe depression. For these people, finding effective treatments is not easy. Fortunately, scientists are exploring some new avenues aimed at getting people with depression back on their feet faster and with fewer side effects. Right now,...

Career planning, are you doing it right? After reading this article, you will know!

Career planning, are you doing it right? After reading this article, you will know!
What is career planning? Why do you need career planning? How to make a good career plan? These are questions that many people may often think about in their careers. Career planning refers to the process of formulating one's own career goals and development plans based on one's own interests, abilities, values and the needs of the career market. Career planning can help us better understand ourse...

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|ISFP, you have a hidden self, do you know? Reveal your shadow function personality!

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|ISFP, you have a hidden self, do you know? Reveal your shadow function personality!
Have you ever experienced times when you behaved and thought completely differently than usual, to the point where you even surprised and confused yourself? Have you ever felt like, sometimes, you have a completely different version of yourself inside that contradicts and conflicts with your surface self? If your answer is yes, then you may have been in touch with your shadow functioning personali...

Emotion management, do you know it? After reading this article, you are a master!

Emotion management, do you know it? After reading this article, you are a master!
How to manage emotions and make yourself happier? Emotion is a basic human ability that helps us perceive ourselves and the surrounding environment, and can also influence our thinking and behavior. However, if we cannot effectively manage our emotions, it may lead to psychological stress, physical discomfort, interpersonal conflicts and other problems. Therefore, learning to manage emotions is a...

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTP’s shadow functional personality, do you know? After reading this article, you will be surprised!

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTP’s shadow functional personality, do you know? After reading this article, you will be surprised!
Have you ever had such an experience? Sometimes you will show some behaviors or thoughts that are not consistent with your usual personality. For example, you are usually very outgoing and open, but sometimes you become very introverted and conservative, or you You are usually very rational and objective, but sometimes you become very emotional and subjective? These may be your shadow function per...

A must-read for newcomers: How many of the 18 minefields in the workplace have you stepped on?

You have just graduated and started your career, and you may feel like you are still a student, or you may want to excel at work and win the recognition of your colleagues and leaders. But, you know what? In the workplace, there are many details that will affect your image and development. If you don't pay attention, you may make some common mistakes among newcomers and get yourself into embarrass...

Your hair is giving you away! A hair can measure your stress level. Do you dare to try it?

Have you ever been in a situation where you get up in the morning, look in the mirror, and realize that your hair is a mess, which makes you very unhappy. You might think it's because you didn't sleep well last night, or because you're using the wrong shampoo. In fact, your hair may have another secret that tells you how high your stress levels are. ! Hair can detect drugs and stress As you pro...

17 levels of financial independence, which one have you achieved?

Financial independence is the dream of many people, but financial independence is not a one-step process, but a staged process. At different stages, your financial situation and degree of freedom will also be different. So, what are the levels of financial independence? What level are you at? Let’s take a look. Level 0: Total dependence on strangers This is the lowest level and the one with the ...

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