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Can you be your ideal self by the age of 30?

As a senior bourgeois woman, Xiao Ke has passed the age of 30 many years ago, but she often regrets in her midnight dreams: If she had done more, would things be different now? Observing the successful female friends around me, I concluded that if you do it before the age of 30, you will not be able to buy 6 things that you already know! ! 1. Learn foreign languages well Xiaoke majored in Japan...

How to use SWOT analysis to discover your character strengths

What is SWOT analysis? SWOT analysis is a method of evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of your own or other objects' internal and external environments. SWOT is the abbreviation of four English words, which stand for: Strengths: The unique strengths, resources, skills, and abilities you possess that set you apart...

Discover your inner world - free psychological test

Welcome to PsycTest, free psychological testing, a way to understand your inner world. Whether you're looking for self-growth or to better understand yourself and others, our free psychological tests are your best choice. Our psychological tests are designed and created by a team of professional psychologists to help you understand your personality, outlook on love, workplace qualities, and relati...

How to discover your talents? Six simple and effective methods

Do you consider yourself a talented and successful person? If someone asked you, could you list the five things you are best at? Many people find this a difficult question to answer. So, how do you discover your talents? Is talent a necessary condition for success? Read below to learn six simple and effective ways to help you find your talents and use them to achieve your goals. ! The relationsh...

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENFJ's shadow functional personality, how to give full play to its advantages and achieve self-growth?

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENFJ's shadow functional personality, how to give full play to its advantages and achieve self-growth?
Have you ever had the experience that sometimes you exhibit behaviors or thoughts that are inconsistent with your usual personality traits, leaving you confused or surprised? Have you ever thought about where these behaviors or thoughts come from, and what meaning and effect they have on you? If you are interested in these questions, this article may give you some inspiration. The topic of this a...

10 typical manifestations of being short-sighted. How many have you been hit by?

Being short-sighted is a common character flaw that can cause people to lose their sense of proportion in social interactions, offend others, and even put them in danger. People who are short-sighted often do not know how to observe, analyze and judge. They only act on their own impulses and feelings, and the results are often counterproductive. So, what are the typical manifestations of short-sig...

Urging marriage is a kind of violence, and young people not getting married is the most responsible sign of marriage.

There is a phenomenon in society today that young people are always urged to get married by their parents. These parents may feel that they are thinking about their children's happiness, but in fact they may not realize that their behavior is a form of violence and disrespect for their children's feelings and marriage. The consequences of urging marriage: irresponsible marriage !urge to marry P...

'Reverse MBTI test' measures your ideal type! MBTI love brain expression of different personalities

MBTI is a commonly used personality test tool that can help you understand your personality type and strengths. Did you know that MBTI can also be used to test your ideal type and how you behave in a relationship? Recently, a method of 'reverse MBTI testing' has become popular on the Internet. Just imagine the person you like and then answer the questions for him or her, and you can get your ideal...

4 manifestations of “pseudo-diligence”

Pseudo-diligence may seem like a sign of diligence on paper, but in fact it is an inefficient or even ineffective behavior. Professor Jordan Peterson, a well-known psychology expert, has summarized four manifestations of pseudo-diligence. Let us understand them one by one. 1. Pseudo-diligent people will spend a lot of time doing the easiest things and show off their hard work everywhere. This b...

How does HR choose a personality testing tool that suits the needs of the company to optimize team performance?

How does HR choose a personality testing tool that suits the needs of the company to optimize team performance?
How can corporate HR accurately choose personality testing tools to optimize team performance? In today's highly competitive business environment, corporate training has become a key means to improve team effectiveness and enhance employee capabilities. As part of the training process, personality testing tools can help HR professionals better understand the personality traits and behavioral patte...

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