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Borrowing a boat to cross the river is a psychological test that can see through your human nature and desires!

The subconscious mind is a bridge between the human mind and the infinite wisdom of the universe. Re...

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How will your love develop next?

When it comes to the criteria for choosing a boyfriend or a good husband, people can’t help but list...

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Are you a master at dismantling emotional landmines?

Are you an emotional joystick? Can you comfort yourself and get rid of anxiety, darkness and uneasi...

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Are you at risk of being 'fired'? (Girls version)

Everyone wants a stable job, but bosses will also fire people based on their own interests. So are ...

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The impact of family affluence on adolescents’ physical and mental health

Family affluence refers to the comprehensive performance of a family's economic income, property, co...

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Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENFJ's shadow functional personality, how to give full play to its advantages and achieve self-growth?

Have you ever had the experience that sometimes you exhibit behaviors or thoughts that are inconsist...

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What should you know about psychological testing?

What is a psychological test? Psychological testing refers to a scientific way to measure the differ...

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MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: INTP - Logician Personality

Logician Personality (INTP, Logician Personality) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. ...

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Where is the God of Luck these days?

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