MBTI’s best CP combination: INFP+ENFJ

Hello everyone, this is PsycTest, which focuses on providing free online psychological tests. Today we are going to talk about the best CP combination in MBTI: INFP+ENFJ.

Do you know why they are the best CP? Do you want to know their relationship mode and sweetness index? Be sure to watch until the end!

INFP and ENFJ are idealists in MBTI. They both have rich imaginations, full of faith in human nature and the future, and like to explore the inner world of themselves and others.

Similarities between INFP and ENFJ.

INFP and ENFJ are both feeling and intuitive types, which means they both value their own emotions and values, and they can also understand and respect each other’s feelings and opinions.

And they both like to express themselves in abstract and metaphorical ways, and they also appreciate each other’s creativity and inspiration.

At the same time, they both have a romantic and idealistic view of love, are willing to sacrifice and sacrifice for each other, and also expect each other’s care and support.

Recommended Reading:

MBTI | INFP personality type interpretation

MBTI | ENFJ personality type interpretation

The complementarity of INFP and ENFJ.

The main differences between INFP and ENFJ are extroversion and introversion, and judgment and perception.

ENFJs are extroverted. They like to communicate and cooperate with others, are good at organization and leadership, and can influence and inspire others. INFPs are introverts. They like to be alone and think. They are good at analysis and reflection, and can be in-depth and detailed.

ENFJs are judgmental, they like to have plans and goals, are good at decision-making and execution, and can be proactive and proactive. INFPs are perceptive, they like freedom and change, are good at adapting and exploring, and can be flexible and open.

This combination allows them to learn and grow from each other, as well as balance and complement each other.

Potential problems and solutions for INFPs and ENFJs.

Of course, no pair of CPs is perfect, and they will also encounter some problems and challenges. For example, an ENFJ may feel that an INFP is too introverted and passive and not social and active enough. INFP may feel that ENFJ is too outgoing and strong, and not understanding and tolerant enough. They may also have misunderstandings and conflicts due to conflicting values or different communication methods.

So, how should INFP and ENFJ solve these problems together? First, they need to recognize their own and each other’s personality traits, respect and accept each other’s differences, rather than trying to change or criticize each other. Secondly, they need to increase communication and understanding, express their own thoughts and feelings with an open and honest attitude, and also listen to and understand the thoughts and feelings of others. Finally, they need to find common interests and goals, do something meaningful and interesting together, and increase mutual understanding and trust.


Okay, that’s it for today, I hope you like it. If you are an INFP or ENFJ, or you have an INFP or ENFJ partner, you are welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share your stories and experiences. If you want to know more about MBTI, or if you have any topics you want me to talk about, you can also tell me in the comment area. Don’t forget to like and follow us, I wish you a happy life!

For more information about the best CP combination of MBTI, please read The best CP combination of MBTI personality type.

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/DWx0pRxy/

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