True interpretation of MBTI personality type: INTP-Architect

MBTI personality type: INTP-Architect

INTPs are philosophical innovators, obsessed with logical analysis, systems, and design. They are engrossed in theory and looking for universal laws behind everything. They want to understand the unifying themes of life, in all its complexity.


INTP personality type

INTPs are detached, analytical observers. They appear to be blind to the world around them because they are so deeply immersed in their thoughts. They spend most of their time inside their own heads, exploring concepts, making connections, and seeking an understanding of how things work. For an architect, life is a continuous exploration of the mysteries of the universe.

What does INTP stand for?

INTP is one of sixteen personality types created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the creators of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). INTP stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving. These four core personality traits are based on the work of psychologist CG Jung.

The INTP type portrays a person who is energetic in their alone time (introversion), focuses on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (intuition), who makes decisions based on logic and reason (thinking), and prefers spontaneity and Be flexible rather than planning and organizing (perception).

INTPs are sometimes called architect personalities because of their intuitive understanding of complex systems. Other nicknames used to describe INTPs include:

  • Objective Analyst
  • Logician

INTP Values and Motivations

INTPs look cool on the outside, but secretly are passionate about reasoning, analysis, and innovation. They seek to create complex systems of understanding that unify the principles they observe in their environment. Their minds are complex and active, and they will try their best to devise ingenious solutions to answer interesting questions.

INTPs are often unconventional and are more likely to derive their own unique way of doing things rather than follow the crowd. INTPs are skeptical of assumptions and conventions and eager to disrupt what others take for granted. INTPs are ruthless when it comes to analyzing concepts and beliefs, and nothing is sacrosanct. They are often confused by people who adhere to ideologies that make no logical sense.

How others view INTP

INTPs are often preoccupied with their own ideas and often appear to others to be alternative and unconventional. Their minds are where they live most, and being introverted may mean they ignore superficial things, like home decor or the right clothes. They don’t like small talk, but they can become very enthusiastic when talking about science, math, computers, or larger theoretical questions about the universe. Reality is often only of temporary interest to architects because they are more interested in the theory behind it.

INTPs typically speak accurately and use carefully chosen words to convey complex ideas. They insist on intellectual rigor even in the most casual conversations and will easily point out inconsistencies in thinking or reasoning. For those INTPs who are more interested in analytical logic, social etiquette may go out the window. They may offend others by submitting their cherished values and beliefs to logical scrutiny.

For more information: [‘Reading People: Deciphering the Code of Human Behavior’]( w4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDk8UAG8PE1oXVAYyHF4PCBl_X2xreFx9NAVZEBoeQw9fRWMEK14VXAc KXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlwWXg8BXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0gWAWoJHl8lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVAAAUFldD0ILA2sNHV gWQQYFXVtaD0gWA2YLGVklXwcDUFdtOHtifjFRZj8UD2AGKQIlSS5xemZ9TSASWVFsVi0iCS9VBWhw fR9jIGFkNh8DOA)

How rare is the INTP personality type?

INTP is one of the less common types in the population. INTP composition:

  • 4.8% of the total population
  • 5.8% of men
  • 4% women

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INTP Celebrities

INTP celebrities include:

-Albert Einstein

  • Kristen Stewart
  • Elon Musk
  • Tina Fey
  • Jesse Eisenberg
  • Descartes
  • Charles Darwin
  • Marie Curie
  • Socrates
  • Abraham Lincoln

Facts about INTP

Interesting facts about INTP:

  • In personality trait measurement, scores are frankness, ingenuity, complexity, independence and rebellion
  • More likely than other types to learn a foreign language
  • The most common types of alcohol and drug policy violations among college students
  • Lowest level of coping resources of all types
  • One of the least likely types to believe in a higher spiritual power
  • Highest among all types of career dissatisfaction
  • Achievement in school lower than predicted by aptitude scores
  • More likely than average to complete construction projects
  • Personal values include autonomy, freedom and independence
  • Overrepresented among part-time MBA students
  • Common in technology occupations

INTP’s Hobbies and Interests

Popular INTP hobbies include reading, arts and cultural activities, chess and other strategy games, writing, taking classes, using computers, backpacking, hiking, and meditation.

Advantages of INTP

Skills of analyze. Beneath the quiet surface lies an intellectual ability that INTPs bring to any environment in which they find themselves. They are quick-thinking and logical. Others may not know it because INTPs have a lot going on in their own heads, but this type is good at analyzing connections between seemingly random pieces of information and finding perfect explanations for problems that baffle most other personality types.

Pursue truth. INTPs are respected for their relentless pursuit of truth, objectivity, and understanding. They make this a goal in life and direct their energy toward eradicating errors and eliminating inconsistencies. They do this not only for personal enjoyment but also because they consider it their primary contribution to the world in any field.

full of imagination. INTPs think deeply about theory, how to understand and explain difficult concepts, and how systems and products work and can be improved. They naturally see things that others cannot because their imaginations are actively focused on and focused on future potential and possibilities.

enthusiasm. To others, INTPs may come across as withdrawn and withdrawn, but when a topic piques their interest, INTPs may discuss it with great enthusiasm—even excitement. This excitement makes them fun to be around. In the right company, INTPs are keen to express their imaginative sense of humor and enjoy playing with people they trust.

INTP Weaknesses

Uncertainty. Although INTPs possess superior intellect, they often feel that their lives are filled with a fear of failure, fear that they will overlook some key aspect of a theory, idea, or invention. This causes them to become self-conscious and waste time and energy reflecting on themselves.

Absent Mind. INTPs don’t get labeled as ‘absent-minded professors’ for no reason. At worst, they tend to be scattered and disorganized. Intelligent and noble, they are stuck in their own brains, unable to deal with the low-level tedium of the moment, like bills or deadlines. They may not even conform to society’s basic expectations of everyday life.

Condescending. A notable weakness of the INTP is the tendency to be critical and condescending, both to opponents and to those who simply do not understand as quickly as they do. Their constant pursuit of truth and objectivity, while admirable, can also inspire cruelty and impatience as they drive their point home. This is especially harmful in relationships where logic doesn’t always reign supreme.

Not sensitive. INTPs can get into trouble because they tend to prioritize activities taking place in their own minds over the needs of others. They comfortably inhabit the realm of their own imagination, which can cause certain problems, especially if the INTP is so wrapped up in their theories and abstract concepts that they forget to consider any kind of emotional consideration. They focus on ideas and logic while ignoring personal considerations and can easily offend others.


Growth and Development of INTP

To realize their full potential, INTPs should:

Develop emotional intelligence. Although INTPs can make great friends and partners, they cannot be overly enthusiastic or attentive to other people’s feelings and emotional cues. While accepting and responding to emotions doesn’t come naturally to this type, focusing on key behaviors that help others feel heard and cared about will expand the INTP’s ability to relate and connect.

Leverage the power of relationships. Although they are naturally solitary, they are not at their best when they neglect key relationships. INTPs can easily become isolated, especially when they are dealing with a difficult problem. While they may be indifferent to how many friends or relationships they have, INTPs who are able to cultivate social and professional relationships with purpose are more successful—and ultimately happier.

Bring others in. INTPs can easily find themselves stuck or stuck in their own blind spots. Given the amount of time they spend in solitude, they may not often enjoy the input of others that can help them get back on track. By bringing others into their inner world, INTPs not only serve their relationships, they also gain important feedback that helps them clarify their high-level ideas and enable them to be understood by a wider audience and use.

Practical Thinking. This can be a challenge because INTPs are not utilitarian or particularly pragmatic. This doesn’t mean they don’t value efficiency, but they believe in the value of thinking and experimenting for its own sake, even if it has no actual value or results. While we need people who are committed to working on dream projects and experiments simply because they are good things to do, employers may be less sympathetic. INTPs should take a step back and consider their projects from a practical perspective. Is this idea really feasible? does it matter? Is this a product that people will actually use? Is it of practical value?

Be More Charitable. INTPs are always ruthless in their pursuit of what is right, true, and logical. However, with time and effort, they become more tolerant. It also means they need to work on understanding and considering the emotional issues of others and seek to develop empathy and compassion. To achieve this goal, INTPs can start by trying to observe and understand their own emotions.

INTP at work

At work, INTPs are motivated to solve complex problems in original, innovative ways. As architects, they want to analyze systems and ideas thoroughly to build deep understanding, and enjoy devising creative solutions to highly abstract problems.

INTPs have little interest in organizational traditions, preferring to forge their own innovative paths. They hate being restricted by bureaucracy and rules, and tend to focus more on the theoretical soundness of their ideas than on their practical application. Often prefers to focus on creating ideas and leave the tedious details of implementation to others.

INTPs do best working independently or with small teams of colleagues they consider smart, capable, and logical. They quickly tire of aggressive or overbearing co-workers and become dismissive of people who are less intelligent than they are.

For INTPs, the ideal organization is flexible, non-traditional, and values originality over consistency. Ideal jobs for INTPs require them to use creative, novel solutions to complex theoretical or technical problems.

For more information: [‘Self-cultivation of Type 16 Personality’]( PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDkgQBWYNG1odWAcyHx0rdA8QYRhqXFhIIxhVKikEDzEVRWMEK14VXAcKXV ZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGFIUVQcBVG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD04XAW8BHFIlWgYLZ AUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQQFXV5UDU8LA24PEl4RQQY Q5aKjgjOA) MBTI is a unique personality analysis method. This book uses it as a tool to explore how type 16 people can improve themselves. Provide proven methods and growth plans that can be used immediately. After reading this book, you can easily know what type your personality is. In your career, what are your strengths that you can leverage and what weaknesses you need to control. The important thing is that it is a guide tailor-made for you to help you get rid of confusion and become the ideal self in your mind! You can also teach yourself through this book! It takes a short time to understand what type other people are. Know the other person’s preferences and characteristics, and know whether the other person is a suitable friend, work partner or partner for you!

INTP Career Statistics

  • More likely than average to be self-employed
  • Less likely than average to be a stay-at-home parent
  • Shows one of the smallest gender pay gaps, with female INTPs earning 88% of what male INTPs earn

INTPs are thinkers first and foremost, and this quality can be seen in their career choices. Although INTPs can find their niche in a variety of fields, INTPs will be happy and fulfilled in careers that allow them to use their intellect, analyze concepts, and think deeply.

INTPs have an innovative nature and are often drawn to cutting-edge fields such as technology, engineering, and science. While INTPs are a rare breed overall, in areas like California’s Silicon Valley or tech companies like Google and Apple, you’ll find that almost everyone is an INTP. This type of person naturally thrives in the challenging, unpredictable world of technology.

Many INTPs are creative and pursue artistic interests in their careers. INTPs are particularly drawn to fields related to science or technology, such as architecture or graphic design.

Although INTPs generally prefer careers that allow them to work with ideas rather than people, there is a subset of INTPs who believe that human problems are the ultimate frontier of intellectual inquiry. Therefore, you will find some INTP careers that allow them to study human experience, including psychology and other social sciences.

Popular careers for INTPs include:

  • Technology - Technology is an extremely attractive field for INTPs, and many INTPs are drawn to computers from a young age. Even INTPs who don’t work in technical fields often develop an interest in computers. Working with technology allows INTPs to hone their reasoning skills, in perfect harmony with their creativity and desire to experiment and innovate. In fact, some INTPs even claim to know more about computers than others! While most careers in computing or technology fields may be suitable for INTPs, the following are some exemplary technical careers: Computer network architect, Computer or information research scientist, Computer programmer, Computer systems analyst, Network or computer systems administrator ,software developer.
  • Engineering – The INTP’s logical and analytical thinking style is well suited to a career in engineering. They particularly enjoy fields involving engineering aspects because these fields allow them to exercise a degree of creativity in their work. Here are some examples of engineering careers for INTPs: aerospace engineer, architect, biomedical engineer, chemical engineer, computer hardware engineer, environmental engineer, landscape architect, mechanical engineer, mechanical engineering technician.
  • Science - A career in science is a natural choice for the INTP. They enjoy all aspects of science: the opportunity to build expertise in their chosen field; the ability to focus on complex, abstract ideas for long periods of time; and, most importantly, enjoying the exploratory process of scientific experiments. INTPs are suited to a variety of scientific careers, some examples include: anthropologist or archaeologist, economist, environmental scientist, epidemiologist, medical scientist, microbiologist, physicist or astronomer, political scientist , psychologist, city or regional planner, mathematician, statistician, physician or surgeon.
  • Business & Legal - Both business and legal careers can take advantage of the INTP’s analytical talents. A successful business career often sparks an INTP’s interest in complex theory, including advanced mathematics. Here are some examples of business and legal careers for INTPs: accountant or auditor, financial analyst, management consultant, market research analyst, top executive, actuary, lawyer, sales engineer.
  • Art and Language - Some INTPs focus on their creative intuition and pursue careers in the arts. Often, however, even INTPs working in the arts will find a way to use their analytical skills in their work. Here are some examples of artistic careers that INTPs may pursue: music director or composer, producer or director, graphic designer, industrial designer, multimedia artist or animator, photographer, technical writer, writer or author, professor or university lecturer.

INTP in a team

INTPs are analytical thinkers and team players with a deep understanding of complex issues. They are often most interested in the theoretical issues behind the team’s goals and can help the team identify key principles and generate innovative ideas. They tend to participate in the team’s vision and provide options and possibilities through rational and objective analysis.

INTPs work best in teams when they are free to analyze logical problems in original ways. They are good at coming up with creative solutions and don’t focus too much on the established way of doing things. Team members who are highly committed to tradition may cause friction with the INTP. Architects are often independent thinkers who would rather debate ideas than make small talk. If too much time is spent on fun, they may become impatient and may put off team members seeking more personal contact.

INTP as a leader

As leaders, INTPs are adept at inspiring others with their intelligence and innovative ideas. They usually have a humble exterior, but once they start speaking their mind, they attract everyone’s attention. INTP leaders typically allow their followers a great deal of freedom, preferring to set overall goals and trust the team to solve problems autonomously.

INTPs enjoy exploring new possibilities and engaging in creative problem solving, but sometimes they can get caught up in a world of ideas and neglect to lead their team into action. They may not be able to nail down the details and often leave it to others to create precise specifications. INTPs are best at leading capable, intelligent teams who understand their complex ideas and are able to fill in the details to create a realistic plan of action.

Occupations to avoid for INTPs

It’s important to note that any personality type can be successful in any career. However, some careers are well-suited to the INTP’s talents and preferred work style, while other careers require patterns of thinking and behavior that are not natural to this type. Careers that require INTPs to work outside of their natural preferences can be stressful or draining, and often sound unappealing to INTPs who are choosing a career.

Combined with data collected from surveys of the general population, the following occupations were found to be unpopular among INTPs.

💔 💔 💔
Dental Hygienist Public Health Nurse Dental Assistant
Practical Nurse Nutritionist Education Director
Religious Leaders Teacher Assistants Preschool Teachers
Primary school teacher Literary and artistic practitioners Beautician
Retail Salesperson Restaurant Manager Sales Manager

INTP and other personality types


The following types of people are more likely than most to share the INTP’s values, interests, and general lifestyle. They won’t necessarily agree on everything, and there’s no guarantee they’ll always get along, but they’re more likely to feel relaxed and comfortable and have a lot in common:

  • INTP
  • INTJ
  • INFP
  • ENTP

Interesting differences

The following people have similar personalities to INTPs, but there are key differences that make them particularly interesting to watch. INTPs may take a keen interest in these types of people and want to learn more about them. INTPs should maintain a good balance of common ground and opportunities to challenge each other in their relationships with these people.

  • ISTP
  • INFJ
  • ENTJ
  • ENFP

Potential additions

INTPs may not feel directly connected to the following types of people, but after getting to know each other, they may find some important commonalities and can learn from each other. While these types of people may not initially attract INTPs, their relationships have a lot of potential for complementation and mutual learning.

  • ISTJ
  • ISFP
  • ESTP
  • ENFJ

Challenge the Opposite

The following types of people are most likely to have personality conflicts and contradictions with INTPs, but also have the best opportunities for growth. Since these types of people have fundamentally different values and motivations than INTPs, it may seem difficult to connect initially. But since they are so different from each other and their strengths happen to be the INTP’s weaknesses, they can learn a lot from each other if they can connect.

  • ISFJ
  • ESTJ
  • ESFP
  • ESFJ

INTP in Love

INTPs are independent and intelligent partners. They enjoy engaging intellectually and want an intelligent partner who can match their critical thinking skills.

INTPs have little interest in the mundane aspects of life and may ignore the usual courtesies of a relationship. They are rarely interested in tradition, preferring instead to design a way of life that makes sense to all parties involved - even if it seems highly unusual to others. They tolerate personal preferences but rarely do something because someone else tells them they ‘should.’

INTPs tend to analyze the theory behind everything and may explain human interactions with the detached logic of a psychology researcher. They may find it difficult to get along with others when they cannot understand the logic behind their actions. When things get too emotional, they may retreat into their own world of thoughts and ideas.

INTPs want to have enough space in a relationship to explore their own ideas, imagination, and interests. They value a partner who appreciates their ingenuity and problem-solving skills, as well as a partner who understands their need for autonomy.

INTP as a parent

As parents, INTPs encourage their children to develop independent problem-solving skills. They often have little understanding of how their children are feeling but will enthusiastically help them reason out a complex dilemma.

INTPs are often immersed in their own projects or ideas, so may not have much fun with the day-to-day chores of caring for children. As a result, Architect parents can sometimes seem distant, but what they really enjoy about being a parent is sharing exciting ideas and concepts with their children.

For more information: [‘Please Understand Me: Kelsey’s Personality Type Analysis’]( ESw4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cD0MSCmsOGF0TXgIyVh08FjBHBTZtSRMVXkcDCylDdg1ERWMEK14VXA cKXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlodWgEBXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0oQC24PH10lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQUHUVhcDkwLA28O HVoVQQYFXVtaD0oQBGgOHl0lXwcDUFdtOHtgaBldSQl1DgdhPy0BWixxeGt_UiBWPURsVjkuYT9s fQltGgtKNVVpAg4JOA)

INTP Communication Style

INTPs can be insightful communicators when the topic inspires them. Thoughtful and independent, they may not need much conversation, but when discussing complex concepts or innovative ideas, they can become very enthusiastic and demonstrate a wealth of information and insight. Because of their strong logical and analytical skills, they can endlessly weigh possibilities and are good at challenging and rebutting. They enjoy examining ideas but rarely trust anything but the most rational analysis; they can spot logical flaws from a mile away and point them out without hesitation.

Path of Discovery

If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s MBTI Zone! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest’s MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let’s discover more exciting content together!

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