True interpretation of MBTI personality type: INFJ - Counselor

MBTI personality type: INFJ-Counselor

INFJs are thoughtful nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others reach their potential. They are creative and dedicated, with a gift for helping others solve their personal challenges.


INFJ personality type

Counselors have a unique intuitive ability to intuit the emotions and motivations of others and often know how others are feeling before they themselves know it. They trust their own insights into other people and have a strong belief in their ability to read them. Although they are sensitive, they are also reserved; INFJs are a private type who selectively share their private thoughts and feelings.

INFJs search for meaning and purpose in their lives and the outside world. They often have a great interest in learning more about cultures, societies, and the universe at large. INFJs naturally see how every thought or action can have important consequences, whether positive or negative. This reflective and curious worldview provides INFJs with a unique perspective and thoughtful approach to understanding how they interact with others and the world around them.

Ultimately, INFJs seek to translate their abstract and intellectual thinking into concrete actions that can be applied and have a transformative impact on others. Although INFJs often get stuck and have difficulty taking action, when they are at their best, their actions are consistent with their true values.

What does INFJ stand for?

INFJ is one of sixteen personality types created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the creators of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

Each letter in the INFJ code represents a key personality trait of this type. According to research by psychologist CG Jung, the letters INFJ represent the following personality dimensions:

  • Introverted: INFJs gain energy from time alone
  • iNtuitive: INFJ focuses on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details
  • Feeling: INFJ makes decisions based on feelings and values
  • Judging: INFJ prefers planning and organization to spontaneity and flexibility

The INFJ personality type is also known as ‘advisor’ because they tend to be idealistic, compassionate, and sensitive. Other nicknames for INFJ include:

  • Insightful visionary
  • Spokesperson

INFJ Values and Motivations

INFJs are guided by a well-thought-out set of personal values. They are highly idealistic and can clearly imagine a happier, more perfect future. Although they may feel frustrated by the harsh realities of their current situation, they often take initiative and persevere in the pursuit of their goals. INFJs have an inner strength that keeps them working hard in the hope of making the world a better place.

INFJs desire a meaningful life and deep connections with others. Rather than sharing freely with everyone, they prefer emotional intimacy with a select, loyal few. Although their rich inner lives can sometimes make them appear mysterious or private, they deeply value authentic connections with those they trust.

As classic idealists, INFJs have many ideas about how to improve society and make the world a better place. INFJs believe that a better world can only be achieved by focusing on doing the right thing, regardless of short-term consequences. However, harmonious relationships are also extremely important to INFJs. They are skilled mediators, looking for the root of conflict to find common ground with others. Because of this, they often prefer a diplomatic approach to communication and are careful to avoid unnecessarily irritating others.

INFJs have a deep respect for human potential and a deep interest in understanding the mind. Because of this, they are motivated to pursue true self-development and strive to reach their true potential, while encouraging and guiding others to do the same. According to INFJ idealism, the extraordinary becomes instantly possible if we believe in our ability to achieve it - as the saying goes, ‘Dream it and you can achieve it.’ However, because of their integrity and compassion, INFJs rarely cut corners or hurt others to achieve their goals.

How others view INFJs

INFJs often appear quiet, thoughtful, and sensitive, and may listen intently to other people’s ideas or concerns. They have a high level of insight into people and want to help others gain understanding. INFJs are not afraid of the complexity of personal issues; in fact, they themselves are complex, with rich inner lives that few people know about. After long-term reflection on moral issues, they have deep feelings about things. Because counselors often appear to be mild-mannered and reserved, others may be surprised by how intense they become when one of their values is threatened or questioned. Their calm exterior belies the complexity of their inner lives.

Because INFJs are such complex people, they may be reluctant to interact with people who may not understand or appreciate them, making them difficult to understand. Although they want to get along with others and support their goals, they are very loyal to their own value system and will not follow others down a path they feel is untrue. They are likely to withdraw when they sense their values are not being respected, or when their gut tells them someone’s intentions are not pure.

People familiar with INFJs might describe them as quiet, intelligent, serious, gentle, and perhaps a bit reclusive. Others often find INFJs to be pleasant people, but may also notice that they can be moody, aloof, or even a little irritable at times. In summary, people who are not exposed to INFJs often may view INFJs as difficult to understand and may even find them a bit intimidating.

Those close to an INFJ may see beneath the surface and recognize the INFJ’s depth of empathy and their curious and insightful nature. When a family member, friend, or trusted colleague needs constructive feedback and a fresh perspective, the INFJ is always standing by, ready to provide wise and helpful input.

INFJs prefer to put out fires, not start them. As they serve on work teams, nonprofit boards, PTAs, city councils, organizing committees, or task forces, others learn to appreciate them for relieving tension, soothing hurt feelings, smoothing ruffled feathers, and arbitrating petty squabbles and the uncanny ability to refresh.

For more information: [‘Reading People: Deciphering the Code of Human Behavior’]( w4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDk8UAG8PE1oXVAYyHF4PCBl_X2xreFx9NAVZEBoeQw9fRWMEK14VXAc KXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlwWXg8BXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0gWAWoJHl8lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVAAAUFldD0ILA2sNHV gWQQYFXVtaD0gWA2YLGVklXwcDUFdtOHtifjFRZj8UD2AGKQIlSS5xemZ9TSASWVFsVi0iCS9VBWhw fR9jIGFkNh8DOA)

How rare is the INFJ personality type?

INFJ composition:

  • 2.3% of the total population
  • 3.1% women
  • 1.4% of men

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INFJ Celebrities

Famous INFJs include:

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Emily Brontë
  • Jane Goodall
  • Jung
  • Dostoyevsky
  • Florence Nightingale
  • Shirley MacLaine
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Brene Brown
  • Edward Snowden
  • JK Rowling
  • Marianne Williamson

INFJ fictional character

-Luke Skywalker from Star Wars
-Lisa Simpson, The Simpsons

  • Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter
  • Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Melisandre from Game of Thrones
  • Elsa from ‘Frozen’
  • The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz
  • Sam Winchester from Supernatural
    -Lady Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings

Facts about INFJ

Interesting facts about INFJ:

  • Scores on the personality trait scale as sincerity, compassion, humility, obedience, agreeableness, reserve and patience
  • Ranked among the best in all types of college GPA
  • those most likely to stay in college
  • Most likely of all types to see a therapist to cope with stress
  • Types with the highest marital satisfaction
  • Personal values include spirituality, learning and community service
  • Commonly used in religion, counseling, teaching and the arts

INFJ Hobbies and Interests

Popular hobbies for INFJs include writing, art appreciation, cultural events, reading, socializing in small, intimate settings, and playing or listening to music.

INFJ Strengths

Practical Insight. Some people are visionary leaders, while others are practical problem solvers, but INFJs are able to straddle the line between these two roles—and they usually succeed. INFJs are insightful thinkers who can effectively observe situations and people and are willing to develop practical plans of action.

A combination of compassion and intuition. As an emotional personality, we might expect INFJs to display compassion—but what sets them apart is that their compassion is accompanied by keen intuition. They are able to quickly identify worry and unhappiness in friends and family, even if others cannot see obvious signs of distress. INFJs have the unique ability to uncover unacknowledged or unexpressed pain and be called into action through their ability to see the essence beneath the surface.

Keep the peace and mediate disputes. Mediating disputes is a tough job, but INFJs have an amazing ability to help heal rifts between divided people. They can intuitively sense that anger can cause real pain if it is not contained and resolved. Since they are excellent listeners, they are very effective in helping warring parties find workable solutions that meet everyone’s needs. They put a lot of energy and determination into making this happen.

Determination and Determination. For INFJs, there are obstacles that need to be overcome, but nothing can top the strength and resilience this personality type possesses within themselves. INFJs are determined to push their ideas forward and have the willpower and decisiveness necessary to see projects through to the end. INFJs live for the opportunity to solve problems and bring about positive change in the world.

INFJ Weaknesses

Ignore details. No matter how much they desire to be practical-oriented, INFJs tend to get so focused on theorizing about the big picture that they forget to consider some of the important details that can differentiate success from failure. While INFJs may recognize the importance of details in principle, in practice they are not always as diligent in small things as they should be.

Extremely confidential. Although INFJs are naturally caring and sensitive, they tend to isolate themselves from the world, denying people the opportunity to get to know them or see the wonderful qualities they possess. Even in relationships with family and trusted friends, INFJs can be mysterious and mysterious. When they feel depressed or introspective, they may withdraw from social contact without explanation, which can be confusing to others.

Hate conflict. INFJs strongly dislike conflict and will often step in to prevent it, but this is also an area where their perspective can be distorted. INFJs often fail to realize that conflict can actually serve a beneficial purpose, allowing a good compromise process to be established and giving all parties a chance to permanently resolve their issues. INFJs would be wise to recognize the value of open and honest dialogue rather than automatically assuming that all arguments are harmful.

sensitive. Once an INFJ has made up their mind, they tend to be very confident in their conclusions and may not tolerate those who continue to hold a different opinion. They react violently when someone questions their conclusions and are especially vulnerable to criticism.


INFJ Growth and Development

To reach their full potential, INFJs should:

Question their gut. INFJs have excellent intuition for the most part, but sometimes their intuition betrays them when it comes to dealing with others. When something is troubling them, INFJs tend to retreat into the safety of their own heads rather than talk openly about their feelings; they rarely express their love, affection, and love as directly as might be expected given the depth of emotions they experience. gratitude. To improve their communication habits, INFJs should go out of their way to share their feelings with others—no matter how uncomfortable it makes them feel.

Give others the benefit of the doubt. INFJs are insightful, intuitive, and persuasive. But despite the considerable effort INFJs put into developing and selling their concepts and ideas, sometimes dissenters remain. INFJs sometimes become disenchanted with those who refuse to accept their conclusions, believing that the other person has a hidden agenda and is acting with malicious intent. When this happens, the INFJ should try to accept that complete agreement is impossible and that some people will continue to hold opposing views. In this case, both parties should simply agree to disagree and move on.

Let others agree to disagree. When tensions rise and arguments rage, INFJs will do whatever they can to restore lost cohesion and calm. But their love of harmony and aversion to division is so strong that INFJs refuse to accept that sometimes the best way to end disputes is to let them go public, so that bridges of understanding can be built. Overall, it’s a good thing that INFJs don’t like conflict. However, their efforts to play peacemaker may be more successful if they focus on keeping the lines of communication open when disagreements arise, rather than always trying to sweep things under the rug.

Connect with extroverts. Because sharing with anyone outside their small circle goes against their instincts, talented INFJs often choose to wrap up and hide their gifts, even though they have much to contribute. But whenever possible, INFJs will benefit from cultivating friendly relationships with extroverts. Opposites attract, and there’s no doubt that being with someone who is more naturally open and communicative can help INFJs come out of their shell and into a world where others can benefit from their wisdom, empathy, and compassion.

slow down! INFJs are productive when they work together to focus on a project. However, their fertile imaginations often undermine their efforts to stay focused and focused. It’s common to start a new project based on new inspiration before the old inspiration is completed, and end up finding yourself drowning in a ton of work. While INFJs have a hard time slowing down the pace of their inspiration, if they can remind themselves to slow down and do one thing at a time, then at least in some ways, they can curb the urge to go off topic. Remember, time is precious.

INFJ at work

At work, INFJs are dedicated to the task of improving the human condition. INFJs are dedicated, helpful, and principled workers who can be relied upon to envision, plan, and execute complex projects for humanitarian causes.

Although they are often driven by high ideals, they derive the greatest satisfaction from their work when they are able to turn their ideas into reality and create constructive change for others.

INFJs are typically organized and prefer to work on projects in an orderly manner. They are generally independent and tend to want to be in a quiet environment that gives them the opportunity to fully develop their thoughts and ideas. While INFJs may be a little lax on details, their high level of dedication to the task at hand and commitment to giving their best effort make up for this tendency, and sometimes they need help from more meticulous colleagues to make sure they don’t forget anything.

The ideal work environment for an INFJ is one that is harmonious, hard-working, and driven by a humanitarian mission, with colleagues who are equally committed to positive change. INFJs are team-oriented and expect achievements and accomplishments to be recognized and appreciated, including their own. However, they do not perform well in highly competitive, ‘survival of the fittest’ environments where people compete with each other for power or prestige. Instead, they prefer workplaces that prioritize collaboration.

The ideal job for a consultant is one that allows them to use their creativity in an independent, structured environment to develop and implement a vision that aligns with their personal values. As long as their job brings them satisfaction and contributes to the greater good, things like status and salary remain secondary to INFJs. While they won’t turn down promotions, their primary motivation is service to others. For this reason, many INFJs seek positions as counselors, educators, social service workers, therapists, and coaches. These jobs give them ample opportunity to offer advice and guidance to those who need help with wisdom and compassion.

For more information: [‘Self-cultivation of Type 16 Personality’]( PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDkgQBWYNG1odWAcyHx0rdA8QYRhqXFhIIxhVKikEDzEVRWMEK14VXAcKXV ZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGFIUVQcBVG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD04XAW8BHFIlWgYLZ AUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQQFXV5UDU8LA24PEl4RQQY Q5aKjgjOA) MBTI is a unique personality analysis method. This book uses it as a tool to explore how type 16 people can improve themselves. Provide proven methods and growth plans that can be used immediately. After reading this book, you can easily know what type your personality is. In your career, what are your strengths that you can leverage and what weaknesses you need to control. The important thing is that it is a guide tailor-made for you to help you get rid of confusion and become the ideal self in your mind! You can also teach yourself through this book! It takes a short time to understand what type other people are. Know the other person’s preferences and characteristics, and know whether the other person is a suitable friend, work partner or partner for you!

INFJ Career Statistics

  • More likely than average to be a stay-at-home parent
  • Shows one of the lowest gender wage gaps, with female INFJs earning 87% of what male INFJs earn
  • The average salary is $36,575, which is lower than the average salary across all categories
  • Below average likelihood of managing large teams

The most important career choice driver for INFJs is the opportunity to do work that aligns with their values. Typically, INFJs tend to choose careers in fields such as healthcare, education, or consulting. Natural thinkers, INFJs enjoy applying their intellect to subjects that interest them. Often these topics are related to humans, for example in the field of psychology. However, INFJs can also find their talents in other fields of science and even engineering.

Many INFJs are creative, which can also be seen in their most popular career trends. Working with language is especially popular with INFJs, but they can also express their talents in a variety of artistic fields.

Top career options for INFJs include:

  • HEALTH CARE: Healthcare careers are an excellent opportunity for INFJs to combine their deep concern for the welfare of others with their often formidable intellect. Many INFJs enjoy science and find it very satisfying to put their scientific knowledge to use to help others. Examples of healthcare careers for INFJs include – physical therapist, public health educator, family physician, occupational therapist, psychologist, physician assistant, massage therapist, nutritionist, medical researcher.
  • Counseling and Social Services: INFJs are often excellent listeners and deep, insightful thinkers when it comes to personal issues. They are highly intuitive about people and very patient when dealing with difficult emotional situations. All of these qualities make them talented, compassionate counselors, social service workers, and religious workers. Examples of counseling and social services careers for INFJs include – clinical psychologist, counselor, social worker, speech-language pathologist, chaplain.
  • Science: INFJs generally enjoy the intellectual challenge of science and can be found in scientific careers that are relevant to their values. Sample scientific careers for INFJs include – Social Scientist, Genealogist, Food Scientist, Environmental Scientist.
  • Business & Law: INFJs are often found making the business world more humane, in more humane professions within human resources, training, or law. Examples of careers for INFJs in business and law include – human resources manager, corporate trainer, environmental lawyer, legal mediator.
  • Education: Although teaching in front of a classroom is a typically extroverted activity that can be a challenge for more introverted INFJs, they often find it deeply satisfying to help children and adults grow and develop. Careers in education that involve working with smaller groups or one-on-one are particularly suitable. Example education careers for INFJs include – elementary school teacher, special education teacher, school counselor.
  • Language and the Arts: Many INFJs enjoy the expressive power of language, and they often have the focus and concentration necessary to become good writers and editors. Other areas of art are also attractive. Examples of artistic careers for INFJs include – librarian, translator, editor, technical writer, writer, graphic designer, animator, interior designer.

INFJ on the team

INFJs are creative thinkers who solve problems and come up with innovative ideas for realizing human potential. They are often good at observing the talents of others and encouraging teammates to showcase their own skills. INFJs focus on team processes, listen carefully to others, and synthesize different priorities to create a shared vision. Because they prefer to be inclusive of all viewpoints, consultants may have some trouble working on teams that are highly competitive or conflict-ridden.

In teams, INFJs serve as a quiet source of inspiration and vision, providing the team with clear goals. INFJs seek meaning and truth and reflect on ideas to create deeper understanding. Although they don’t often draw attention to themselves, they can provide insight into the ethical and humanitarian issues at hand and can often elegantly articulate a group’s mission. INFJs work best in a supportive group, especially one where they can consider issues of ethics and values and act with integrity. If the team moves quickly without taking the time to think, it may alienate the INFJ.

INFJ as a leader

While INFJs are not the type who typically seek leadership roles, many INFJs find themselves in leadership positions or choose to strike out on their own as independent entrepreneurs. In either case, INFJs bring a quiet strength and enthusiasm to leadership roles that inspire their team members.

In leadership positions, INFJs inspire others by sharing a positive vision. Consultative leaders tend to be low-key and humble, but win the devotion of others through their own efforts, firm principles and inspiring ideas. Teams are at their best when they are guided toward a shared vision and setting organizational goals that benefit people. They are insightful and creative and bring confidence and commitment to projects in which they believe.

INFJ leaders are patient and attentive listeners. They are always ready and willing to listen when others come to them with complaints, concerns, or new ideas, and will go out of their way to help colleagues deal with their personal or professional problems constructively and proactively. INFJ bosses want their employees and colleagues to trust them and see them as allies rather than superiors when difficult situations arise.

Because INFJ leaders are often motivated by their personal values, they perform best in organizations whose missions are consistent with those values. The challenge they face is to align their ideas and initiatives with reality and to consider practicality when planning change.

Careers to avoid for INFJs

It’s important to note that any personality type can be successful in any career. However, some careers are well suited to the INFJ’s talents and preferred work styles, while other careers require different patterns of thinking and behavior than the INFJ type. Careers that require an INFJ to go beyond their natural preferences can be stressful or exhausting. Additionally, these careers are often unattractive to counselors who are choosing a career.

Based on survey data collection from the general population, the following occupations are less popular with INFJs.

💔 💔 💔
General Contractor Electrician Engineering Technician
Machinery Surveyor Farmer
Xianshou Sales Manager Restaurant Manager
Property Manager Financial Manager Factory Director
Military officer Police officer Firefighter
Nursing Medical Records Technician Cook

INFJ and other personality types


The following types of people are more similar to INFJs and are more likely to share the INFJ’s values, interests, and general lifestyle. While they don’t necessarily agree on everything, and there’s no guarantee they’ll always get along, they are easier to get along with than others and have a lot in common.

  • ISFJ
  • INFP
  • INFJ
  • ENFJ

Interesting differences

The following types of people may think INFJs are similar in personality, but there are key differences that make them more interesting to watch. INFJs may find these types of people particularly interesting and attracted to them. Relationships between an INFJ and these types of people should maintain a good balance of common ground and opportunities to challenge each other.

  • ISFP
  • INTP
  • INTJ
  • ENFP

Potential additions

INFJs may not feel a direct connection to them, but after getting to know each other, they may find that they have some important things in common and things to teach each other. While INFJs may not be initially attracted to these types of people, their relationships have great potential for complementation and mutual learning.

  • ISTJ
  • ESFJ
  • ENTP
  • ENTJ

Challenge the Opposite

The following types of people are most likely to have personality conflicts and conflicts with INFJs, but also have the best opportunities for growth. Because these types have fundamentally different values and motivations than INFJs, they may seem unable to relate to each other at first. But precisely because of their differences, they can complement each other and learn from each other to improve themselves.

  • ISTP
  • ESTP
  • ESTJ
  • ESFP

INFJ in Love

In relationships, INFJs support and guide others with their sense of integrity. Their interest in human development also applies to their partners, encouraging them to pursue their dreams, ambitions, and achievements.

INFJs want to maintain harmony in their relationships and are very active in resolving conflicts. They tend to be creative problem solvers and look for the emotional core of a problem to reach consensus. Although they were eager to collaborate, they were unwilling to accept an idea that they felt was untrue. They are unwilling to compromise when it comes to their core values and ethics.

INFJs want high levels of intimacy and emotional involvement, and are happiest when they feel they are sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings with their partner. Once they feel comfortable in a relationship, INFJs like to shower their partners with love and bring out the lighter and goofier side of their personality. True vulnerability can be challenging at first, so INFJs need partners who can be patient and wait to build trust.

INFJs view the people closest to them, including romantic partners, as being like an open book, and they tend to believe that others can easily see into their minds as well. Unfortunately, INFJ partners don’t always share this empathy, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and embarrassment, especially in the early stages of a relationship.

Ultimately, INFJs value partners who respect their values and emotions, appreciate their creativity and inspiration, and are willing to commit to continued growth in the relationship.

INFJ as a friend

INFJs are loyal, compassionate friends. They want the best for the people they care about and are willing to help them reach their true potential. For INFJs, the value of relationships is measured by their depth, not their breadth. While some consider a full address book or hundreds of followers on social media to be signs of a satisfying social life, INFJs typically have a much smaller social circle—and that’s just the way they like it .

INFJs are idealists, always looking for others who see the world in a similar way. They tend to be attracted to people who share similar values and worldviews, who are trustworthy and understand the INFJ without having to over-explain themselves. Because of their introverted nature, INFJs are often reluctant to take initiative, which is why more extroverted types may be attracted to them because of their shared interests and willingness to show initiative in social relationships.

While INFJs may have difficulty staying in touch frequently or planning get-togethers, they are fiercely loyal friends who enthusiastically support their loved ones’ hopes and dreams. Most INFJs derive great satisfaction from the accomplishments of friends and family, and they feel endless joy when those they care about turn to them for guidance and inspiration.

INFJ as a parent

INFJs are attentive, loyal, and loving parents. They tend to form strong bonds with their children and pay close attention to their emotional states. Counselor parents naturally see potential in their children and encourage them to develop their talents.

While they support their children in pursuing personal interests, INFJ parents can be staunch educators when it comes to moral or ethical issues. They care deeply about children’s emotional and spiritual well-being and are committed to creating an educational environment that promotes children’s growth and happiness.

INFJ parents encourage their children to be proactive in their lives and try to be present at their children’s activities and events to support their children’s growth. Even if they are disappointed with their child’s behavior, INFJ parents rarely choose to criticize or condemn harshly. INFJ parents will go out of their way to empathize and respect their children, and give them love and support, no matter the time or place, in good times and bad.

For more information: [‘Please Understand Me: Kelsey’s Personality Type Analysis’]( ESw4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cD0MSCmsOGF0TXgIyVh08FjBHBTZtSRMVXkcDCylDdg1ERWMEK14VXA cKXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlodWgEBXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0oQC24PH10lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQUHUVhcDkwLA28O HVoVQQYFXVtaD0oQBGgOHl0lXwcDUFdtOHtgaBldSQl1DgdhPy0BWixxeGt_UiBWPURsVjkuYT9s fQltGgtKNVVpAg4JOA)

INFJ Communication Style

INFJs are more reserved when it comes to communication, often keeping their most precious thoughts and insights to themselves. As introverts, they don’t like to express their opinions loudly in public. But it’s in one-on-one contact or in small groups that the INFJ’s motivational abilities shine through. They believe in the rewards of an active lifestyle, and their ability to communicate effectively can energize their audience and open their eyes to new ways of self-improvement.

They are values and connection oriented and look for meaning in the information they receive. They think deeply and often need time to process and evaluate before they are ready to share their thoughts. They seek validation and take the time to appreciate others and their ideas. They are often good at making connections, bringing people together and integrating ideas, values and human potential.

Path of Discovery

If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s MBTI Zone! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest’s MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let’s discover more exciting content together!

For INFJ personality, we have specially launched a paid reading version of ‘INFJ Advanced Personality File’ on the WeChat public account (psyctest). The advanced personality profile is more detailed and more advanced than the free interpretation, aiming to further meet your individual needs and expectations.

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