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What does ABO mean? What are pheromones? How to take a free ABO gender pheromone test?

What does ABO mean? What does pheromone mean? Were you confused when you first learned about terms like “ABO” and “pheromone”? In fact, we also mentioned in the previous article what does ABO mean? Today we mainly talk about what ABO pheromone means? What are the pheromones and how are they tested? In order to facilitate everyone's reading, we will briefly introduce the meaning of ABO! What does ...

ABO gender: From Alpha to Omega, the 'personality label' in the entertainment industry

Have you ever seen comments like this on social networking sites: 'What an A!' When you see a cool and domineering man or woman, this comment always pops up in front of you. So, why is “A” used to describe someone who is crazy and cool? If you have heard of ABO gender, you may understand the mystery. ABO gender: three letters, six personalities ABO is named after the first letters of three Engli...

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