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psychological tests
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What kind of drink do you like? Find out what kind of teacher you are suitable for

Life/interesting 4 1 minute
This test is a fun way to explore personality and career tendencies by using your favorite beverage types to predict which teaching roles you might be suitable for. Your daily beverage choices may reveal more about your personality than you think. This fun psychometric test will help you discover what type of teacher you might be suitable for based on your beverage preferences. Let’s find out your...

Fun psychological test: How far are you from upper class society?

Life/interesting 1 1 minute
This is an imaginative psychological test designed to explore the relationship between personality and social status in a light and fun way. Let's take a look at what your choices will reveal. Imagine you are a beautiful princess and your prince is turned into a frog by an evil wizard. In this ancient legend, a simple kiss can break the spell. But which part of the frog would you choose to kiss? Y...

Test whether you are suitable to leave your hometown and seek development

The era of rapid economic development has triggered one wave of migrant workers. Through their efforts, some settled in the south to enjoy the rapidly developing urban civilization, while others used their frugal money to bring back their hometowns, build new houses, marry brides, and stay in the countryside to serve their parents and live a peaceful life. And you? Are you going out to work now or...

Korea’s viral love psychology test | Find out the ideal boyfriend and landmine type hidden in your heart in 5 minutes

Love/Relationship 5 1 minute 17
A love psychology test that went viral recently in South Korea allows you to accurately measure the type of ideal boyfriend hidden in your heart by simply answering two questions, as well as the type and characteristics of the lover you least want to meet. Many girls who have taken the test have said The expression is very accurate. Come and test it together!

Test what kind of first impression you leave on others

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 1
The first impression given by the other person's appearance and demeanor when we first meet often forms the basis for future interactions. What first impression would you leave on someone when you meet them for the first time? What kind of "label" would others put on you when they first met you? Come and test it out.

What type of investment is more suitable for you?

Wealth/Investment 1 1 minute
In fact, everyone is an investor in his or her own life, but the results are different depending on the projects he chooses. Perhaps due to their personality, some people are always timid when it comes to investing; while some people dare to take bold risks and always like to take the wrong approach. But investment often varies from person to person, so today I will share it with my friends. Come ...

Social Test: Test which kind of friend can best heal your scars

Friends are rare treasures in life. They will protect you with their sincerity by your side and hope to be treated sincerely by you. Share experiences with each other and enjoy life together. Good friends are treasures. However, there are many friends who can accompany you to happiness. When you are in pain, what kind of friends can heal your pain?

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