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psychological test
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4 pictures to test how deep your city is

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes 21
The word 'city' seems to have always been used in both a complimentary and derogatory sense. City is a double-edged sword. If you master it well, it can help you. If you master it poorly, it will make others think that your love is unreliable. So how deep in the city are we? Let’s take a test through 4 pictures.

9 pictures to calculate your personality traits and psychological characteristics

Character/Personality 10 1 Minutes 10
Do you know your personality traits and personality well? It's a bit presumptuous of me to ask this. Who doesn't know themselves? However, there are also many people who really don’t know themselves well and don’t know what kind of personality they have. Sometimes they are like this and sometimes like that. Is this multiple personalities? maybe! Let’s do some testing! See if this test is similar t...

Test your image in the minds of your friends

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Sometimes friends know your personality and your essence very well. So they naturally know your reaction to something happening. Time flies by, and many friends gradually fade away, but there are still those friends who can soften the time. The older I get, the more I realize that the carnival of a group of people is actually the loneliness of a group of people. The friends you left behind are all...

Test which kind of person you can’t get along with the most?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
We are not RMB, and we cannot make everyone like us. There will always be people around us who don’t agree with us, or whose personalities are too different, or who have different opinions. In short, it is difficult for two people to get along harmoniously together. Conflicts arise, perhaps this is the so-called aura disharmony. If you are interested, let’s take this psychological test together to...

Test how you treat your friends’ hypocrisy

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
Rely on your parents at home and your friends outside. Friends are always the warmest presence in our hearts. Everyone has his or her unforgettable best friend, and how lucky he is to meet him in his lifetime. But no one can see through the other person's heart at a glance. You can be 100% sure of your friendship for the other person, but you will never know the other person's true thoughts. In so...

How can you increase your popularity index?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
In today's society, especially in China, interpersonal relationships are very important. From the time you are born, you have relationships with people. Contacting and getting to know people is just the preliminary work. A truly popular person lies in being able to maintain interpersonal relationships. How to maintain good relationships is the beginning of managing your popularity.

Test what kind of personality you are more suitable to find as a companion

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
In our daily life, we often hear common sayings such as those who are willing to fight and those who are willing to suffer, repaying evil with kindness, etc. In the field of psychology, this reflects the two dimensions of interpersonal relationships-dominance and submission. It means that people have a tendency to behave in response to desired or unwanted stimuli. Psychology believes that people w...

Psychological test: seven questions to test everything about you

Mental/Health 2 1 Minutes 28
Everyone has his or her own unique personality and life experiences, which profoundly affect our values, relationships, and behaviors. By answering some simple questions, we can learn more about you and your characteristics. This test will help you explore all of yourself, including your personality, emotional state, achievements, strengths and weaknesses, and more. Please answer the following sev...

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