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Body fat percentage online calculator

The largest component of the body is water, accounting for about 50% 60% of body weight, followed by fat. Others are proteins and sugars contained in muscles, and inorganic substances contained in bones. Body fat percentage refers to the ratio of body fat to body weight. The body fat rate of boys is about 17-23%; the body fat rate of girls is about 20-27%; 14~20% of boys under 30 years old; 17~2...

Jay Chou is an INTJ! An inventory of 16 'MBTI personalities' of Taiwanese celebrities. Let's see who has the same type as you.

Have you taken the 'MBTI Personality Test' that is making waves all over the world? This psychological test divides human beings into 16 categories. If you don’t know which personality you belong to, you can click my test to see ~ In addition to your own personality, you also want to know which artist is similar to you ? MBTI Personality Database can query the MBTI types of artists. Now let’s take...

MBTI book list: 10 must-read books to help you understand yourself, discover your potential, and improve your leadership skills

Do you want to understand your personality type, discover your potential and strengths, find a career direction that suits you, and improve your leadership and interpersonal relationships? If your answer is yes, then you must not miss the following MBTI-related books. They will take you into a new world of psychology, allowing you to understand yourself, understand others, and win in character! W...

LGBTQ+ term list

A Abro (sexual orientation and romantic orientation) This term is used to describe people whose sexual and/or romantic orientation changes over time or life experiences. They may use different words to express their identity. Ace (asexual) The term is an umbrella term used to describe people who have no, irregular, or occasional sexual attraction. This includes asexuals as well as demisexuals ...

MBTI Complete Test: Type 16 Personality Corresponds to Ideal Career, Find Your Destined Job in 10 Minutes!

MBTI Career Personality Test Have you ever heard of the 'MBTI test'? The MBTI test is also called the 16-type personality psychological test. Through some simple questions, personality is divided into 16 corresponding personalities. Based on the results, it can also help you find a suitable job. This authoritative psychological test with a scientific basis is used by HR in many companies to anal...

Among Type 16 personalities in the entertainment industry, what are the MBTI personality types of celebrities?

MBTI, short for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality test that distinguishes the main functions that make up a person's personality. There are two 'general-attitude types': extroversion (E) and introversion (I), and four 'function types': thinking (T), feeling (F), and feeling ( S) and intuition (N), combining these elements results in 16 different personalities. Although few people in t...

If the sixteen personalities of MBTI are compared to animals, what are they?

This article will introduce to you how the sixteen MBTI personalities are compared to animals and explain why. Please note that these metaphors are just a fun way to understand personality types and are not strictly scientific classifications. At the same time, each animal also has its own unique personality and behavioral traits, so these metaphors may only be approximate. ISTJ Red Wolf ! The ...

The hidden 'pain points' of 16 MBTI personality types revealed

The hidden 'pain points' of 16 MBTI personality types revealed
Did you know that everyone has a personality type, which can be represented by four letters? This is the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) theory, which divides people into 16 different types, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and a unique view of the world. MBTI theory is a very popular psychological tool that can help us better understand ourselves and others, improve the efficienc...

MBTI 16 personality types advanced personality profile + free MBTI test address

Have you ever felt like you were different, not understood, or didn’t understand others? Have you ever wondered what your personality type is? Do you want to understand how different personality types affect your career choices, relationships, lifestyle, and values? Do you want to explore your strengths and potential, and how to get along and work with other personality types? If you are interest...

What kind of dog does your MBTI personality type correspond to? Come and take an official free test!

Under Gu Ailing's recommendation, the MBTI personality test became a new topic after dinner. Not only can you understand your own personality, but you can also find a canine companion that matches it. So, let’s take a look at what kind of dog your personality corresponds to according to the MBTI personality type! PsycTest official free MBTI test entrance: INTJ-Chinese Pastoral Dog !MBTI-Dog: IN...

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