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6 self-management habits to help you clearly understand yourself and plan your life and work!
6 self-management habits to help you clearly understand yourself and plan your life and work!
Managing yourself is the hardest! If people in the workplace want to gain an advantage in a highly competitive environment, they must learn self-management, including how to control their mentality, use time, set goals, plan finances, etc. These are the basic qualities of people in the workplace.
The an...
Is there a formula for success? 5 key laws to increase your winning rate in life!
Have you ever wondered why some people always succeed while others always hit a wall? Is it because they have any special talent or luck? Or is it because they have mastered some secret methods or techniques?
In fact, success is not a mysterious thing, but a set of scientific formulas and laws. This is the amazing truth revealed to us by Professor Barabasi in his book 'There is a Formula for Succ...