'GATB职业能力' related psychological assessment

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General Aptitude Test (GATB) Free Online Assessment

测试介绍 Workplace/career 30 1 Minutes 10
General Aptitude Test (GATB) Free Online Assessment
The General Vocational Aptitude Test (GATB) online assessment helps you accurately assess your vocational aptitude. Pass 9 core ability tests (such as learning ability, language ability, arithmetic ability, etc.) and get professional career adaptation advice to help you find the most suitable career path. Whether you are a job seeker, an employee or a career planner, GATB online assessment can hel...

Self-evaluation of PTSD symptoms: PTSD online assessment

测试介绍 Mental/Health 18 1 Minutes 27
Self-evaluation of PTSD symptoms: PTSD online assessment
Post-traumatic stress disorder self-assessment scale (PCL-C), full name The PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version (Post-traumatic stress disorder self-assessment scale Civilian version), is a study of post-traumatic stress disorder in the United States The PTSD symptom assessment tool developed by the National Center for PTSD in 1994. The scale contains 17 entries designed to help people evaluate the pr...

Daily living activities ability scale (Barthel Index, BI) online assessment

This scale is used to evaluate the patient's ability to carry out activities of daily living and can be used to evaluate the patient's functional recovery before and after treatment. It is based on the patient's actual daily performance and not based on the patient's possible abilities. The total score is 100 points. The higher the score, the better the independence and the less dependence. Pleas...

Interesting psychological test: In what industry can you make a lot of money this year?

There are three hundred and sixty industries. It seems that it is not easy to choose an industry that suits you. You really need to be careful when choosing an industry. Only when you choose the right target and get started can you avoid wasting time and failing to achieve results. Want to know which industry will make you a fortune? Take a fun psychological test.

Roadside kittens test your sexual prowess

测试介绍 Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes 1
Sexual ability refers to the male's ability to erect the penis, insert it into the vagina, complete normal ejaculation, and the female's ability to generate sexual excitement, vaginal lubrication, accept the penis, and obtain a certain amount of pleasure (reaching orgasm). In addition, sexual ignorance or wrong sex education, psychological trauma, family discord, fatigue, and unsatisfactory sexual...

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