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Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES) Online Test | Free

Character/Personality 5 1 Minutes 3
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES) Online Test | Free
The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (SES) was originally designed to assess adolescents' overall feelings of self-worth and self-acceptance. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale is a psychometric tool commonly used to measure an individual's self-esteem level. This scale was developed by American social psychologist Morris Rosenberg in 1965 and is widely used in the fields of psychology and social science...

What stage is your moral level at?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 6
In the field of psychometrics, a person's moral level is also an important dimension of psychological testing. The American psychologists who made outstanding contributions in this regard are undoubtedly the American psychologists Kohlberg and Piaget. This person used the dilemma method to test moral psychology and divided the results into three Stages respectively represent a person's moral leve...

Are you frigid?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 4
Frigidity refers to the lack of sexual desire. In layman's terms, it means no interest in sexual life. It is also said to be loss of sexual desire. Among well-educated and healthy couples surveyed, 16% of men and 35% of women had frigidity. The symptoms of frigidity are reflected in two aspects: physical symptoms and psychological symptoms. Frigidity and anorgasmia are two different concepts. Th...

Knowledge Comprehensive Challenge: A comprehensive encyclopedia test that only 1% of the world’s elites can get right!

Life/hobbies 8 3 Minutes
Previous variety shows such as 'Lucky 52', 'Happy Dictionary' and 'Samsung Intelligence Express' have all demonstrated the brilliance and charm of human wisdom. These knowledge competition programs not only allow the audience to gain knowledge enlightenment through entertainment, but also allow intelligence and wisdom to complement each other in competition. Maybe you have been a loyal viewer of t...

Can the obsession with clothes tell whether a person is going to cheat?

family/marriage 3 2 Minutes
A series of breakups and cheatings have haunted their hearts, causing many people to say they 'no longer believe in love.' Why do emotions in the world often start well but end badly? Is it easy to fall in love, but difficult to stay together? Whether they are husband and wife or lovers, since they are together, they should be responsible for their own feelings, take the initiative to restrain th...

Love and like scale test

Love/Relationship 9 2 Minutes 3
Love and like scale test
Intuitively speaking, liking and loving are of course different. We can like many people, but only love some specific people among them. It is difficult for us to define love and like. Even love itself is a complex and multi-dimensional experience. So, what is the difference between like and love? Like and love are two different emotional expressions, and there are some differences in degree and ...

Free online test of four temperament types

Mental/Health 8 4 Minutes 14
Free online test of four temperament types
Which of the four psychological temperament types do you belong to? Temperament refers to an individual's relatively stable psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies, which reflects an individual's typical response to emotions, emotions and behaviors. It includes aspects such as speed, intensity, stability and directivity of psychological activities. Specifically, temperament inclu...

life events stress scale test

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 1
life events stress scale test
The Life Events Stress Scale is a tool used to assess the impact of life events an individual has experienced over a period of time on their psychological stress levels. This scale is designed to measure an individual's degree of stress to various life events and the impact these events may have on their health and well-being. Life event stress scales usually consist of a series of specific life ...

WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test

Mental/Health 5 3 Minutes 8
WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test
Creativity is a comprehensive ability unique to human beings. It refers to the ability to generate new ideas, discover and create new things. Creativity is a psychological quality necessary for the successful completion of creative activities. It is composed of multiple factors such as knowledge, intelligence, ability and excellent personality qualities. Creativity is an important symbol that dis...

Changsha City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Changsha?

Changsha, known as Tanzhou in ancient times, is located in the north-eastern part of Hunan Province, adjacent to the lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River and the western edge of the Xiangliu Basin. As an important central city in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Changsha has rich history and cultural heritage. It is a national 'two-oriented society' comprehensive supporting reform pilot z...

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