'离职' related test

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Test what is your success rate in changing jobs before the end of the year?

It’s the peak season for resignations at the end of the year. Many people will have the courage to resign after receiving their last year-end bonus. Why did you resign? Because there is better room for development, or because you want to give yourself a break. When we first joined the company, we were full of confidence in the future. When we heard HR's promise on salary, we were all very excited...

Psychological test: professional test on the match between personal behavior style and corporate values

Matching personal and organizational values can effectively predict employees' positive attitudes and behaviors. In management practices such as talent recruitment, employee training, career management, organizational system design, and employee retention in corporate human resource management, the matching of personal and organizational values can be used to improve the effectiveness of corporate...

Are you a 'strong person' or a 'light person'? Come and test your personality type!

Are you a 'strong person' or a 'light person'? Come and test your personality type!
Test whether you are a 'strong person' or a 'light person'? Learn about your personality traits through 8 questions! When you are still studying the MBTI test to see whether you are an i person or an e person, there are strong people and weak people around us. This test analyzes in detail the characteristics, life attitudes and behavior patterns of the 'strong person' and 'light person' personali...

Test your career stumbling blocks

Stumbling block is a high-frequency word in life. We inevitably encounter all kinds of difficulties in our daily work, and they make us miserable and miserable. Want to find out why you work so hard but don't get promoted? Please choose one from the question options based on your first instinct. It will indicate a stumbling block in your career.

Seeing the workplace through Sherlock Holmes’ eyes: One word test: Is it a good time for you to change jobs recently?

Seeing the workplace through Sherlock Holmes’ eyes: One word test: Is it a good time for you to change jobs recently?
In the workplace, we are often faced with various choices and challenges. Sometimes, a small decision can affect our career path. If you are confused about your current job or curious about your future career development, then this interesting psychological test is prepared for you. Through this test, you can not only understand your potential abilities in the workplace, but also discover whether...

Workplace Self-Assessment: Test whether you should change career paths?

This psychological test looks interesting and helps people reflect on their careers through a fable. After staying in the same work environment for a long time, have you already experienced a period of boredom? Faced with salary freezes and increases, and no career development prospects... Should you continue to endure hardships, or should you boldly change jobs? Feeling stagnant in your career? ...

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