'小学生心理成长评估' related tests

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Free online test on mental health for college students

Test introduction Mental/Health 40 4 2 Minutes 1
Free online test on mental health for college students
The mental health problems of college students refer to the mental health-related distress and obstacles that are common among college students. During their college years, they face challenges in many aspects such as academic pressure, changes in interpersonal relationships, future planning, self-identity, etc. These factors may have an impact on their mental health. Here are some common mental h...

Test your psychological maturity

Test introduction Mental/Health 20 4 4 Minutes 14
Psychological maturity refers to a person's willingness and motivation to do something. Subordinates with high psychological maturity have strong self-confidence and are proactive in their work. They do not need too many external incentives and mainly rely on internal motivation. On the contrary, employees’ work tasks and role responsibilities should be stipulated. Psychological maturity is a man...

Test Anxiety Psychological Test for Students (TAS)

Test introduction Mental/Health 37 4 2 Minutes 1
Test Anxiety Psychological Test for Students (TAS)
The Sarason Test Anxiety Scale (TAS) was compiled in 1978 by Professor Irwin G. Sarason, a famous clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychology at Washington University in the United States. It is currently the most famous test anxiety test widely used internationally. A scale designed to assess the level of anxiety an individual experiences during exams or testing situations. Test anxiet...

Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale DBVS-S (Student Paper) Online Test

Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale DBVS-S (Student Paper) Online Test
Bullying is defined as malicious behavior that occurs in a school environment in which one student or a group of students intentionally targets another student physically, verbally, socially, or online. Here are some common bullying situations in schools: 1. Verbal Bullying: This is one of the most common forms of bullying. It includes the use of verbal behaviors such as ridicule, insults, humili...

College Student Personality Inventory UPI Free Online Test

Test introduction Mental/Health 64 15 2 Minutes 3
College Student Personality Inventory UPI Free Online Test
The Undergraduate Personality Inventory (UPI) is the abbreviation of University Personality Inventory. The main function of UPI is a mental health questionnaire for college students compiled for the early detection and early treatment of students with psychological problems. UPI was compiled in 1966 by collective discussions among university psychological counselors and psychiatrists across the c...

Depression Self-Assessment Test: Understanding Your Mental Health Status

Test introduction Mental/Health 30 5 1 Minutes 9
Depression Self-Assessment Test: Understanding Your Mental Health Status
Depression is a serious psychological disorder that often manifests as low mood, loss of interest and pleasure, self-denial, self-blame, and a sense of helplessness, and even suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Symptoms of depression may affect a person's sleep, eating, and daily activities, placing a significant burden on daily life. The causes of depression may be multifactorial and include biolog...

Test your sense of security: Mental Health Assessment Questionnaire

Test introduction Mental/Health 75 10 4 Minutes 6
Security is a feeling of confidence, safety and freedom from fear and anxiety. It is a feeling that meets a person's various needs now and in the future. It is a premonition of possible physical or psychological dangers or risks. And the individual's sense of power/powerlessness in dealing with the situation, mainly manifested as a sense of certainty and controllability. Insecurity refers to an em...

NPI-16 Narcissistic Personality Inventory Test: Quickly assess narcissistic tendencies and potential NPD risk

NPI-16 Narcissistic Personality Inventory Test: Quickly assess narcissistic tendencies and potential NPD risk
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a psychiatrically defined psychological disorder characterized by extreme self-centeredness, manipulation of others, and a lack of empathy. In order to help more people understand their narcissistic traits and possible NPD risks, the NPI-16 Narcissistic Personality Inventory provides a scientific and efficient assessment method. Take the NPI-16 Narcissis...

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