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How to differentiate between normal anxiety and anxiety disorders? Here's a free psychological test!

Anxiety is a normal emotional response that we all feel when we are faced with stress, danger, or difficulty. However, if anxiety is excessive, persistent, or unreasonable, it may affect our quality of life and health. At this time, we may suffer from anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder is a mental illness that comes in many different types and manifestations. According to statistics in the Unite...

Do you suffer from anxiety? How to Recognize and Deal with Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are common psychological disorders that cause people to feel excessive worry, fear, or nervousness, affecting their daily lives and work. This article will introduce the definition, symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention methods of anxiety disorders, hoping to help you understand and deal with this psychological problem. Definition of Anxiety Disorder Anxiety disorder is a ...

Do you suspect you have depression? Not really.

Do you suspect you have depression? Not really.
Many mental health and medical conditions have similar symptoms to depression—such as fatigue and sleep problems—so you may think you have depression when you actually don't. Here are the facts about depression, disorders with similar symptoms, and how to tell them apart. Depression: The Basics Depression is a common mental health condition that affects the way you feel, think, and behave. You ...

What's wrong with feeling like something bad is happening whenever you feel happy? -Happy fear

Many people want to pursue a beautiful and happy life, but some people not only don't want to pursue happiness, they are even more afraid of feeling happy themselves. Some scholars call this psychological feeling 'happiness fear', which refers to people's irrational aversion and fear of 'feeling happy'. Note: Fear of happiness is not yet listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental D...

Do you panic when you are trapped in an elevator? The causes and methods of claustrophobia tell you

Do you panic when you are trapped in an elevator? The causes and methods of claustrophobia tell you
Have you ever encountered such a situation, when you are taking the elevator, suddenly the elevator stops and the door does not open, you feel very scared, your heart beats faster, your breathing becomes difficult, and you want to escape, but there is nothing you can do? If you feel this way, you may be suffering from a psychological disorder called claustrophobia. So, what is claustrophobia? Why ...

What are depression and anxiety? What's the difference between them? How to treat? One article tells you all the answers!

What are depression and anxiety? What's the difference between them? How to treat? One article tells you all the answers!
How to deal with depression and anxiety Depression and anxiety are two different mood disorders that can have negative effects on your body and mind. Depression causes you to fall into a persistent low mood and lose your enthusiasm and motivation for life. Anxiety causes you to feel uncontrollable fear or worry that affects your daily activities and relationships. Sometimes, you may suffer from b...

Agitated Depression: A Neglected Mood Disorder, Do You Know It?

Agitated Depression: A Neglected Mood Disorder, Do You Know It?
Agitation depression (AD) is a special type of depression that, in addition to low mood, is also accompanied by psychomotor agitation and escape from thoughts. Patients with this disorder often exhibit uneasiness, irritability, impulsivity, hostility and other behaviors, which seriously affect their quality of life and social functions. Agitation depression is closely associated with bipolar disor...

Situational depression: depression triggered by stressful events

Situational depression: depression triggered by stressful events
Have you ever felt depressed, sad, or anxious because of some stress or trauma in your life? If so, you may be suffering from situational depression. This is a common psychological reaction that can be relieved with proper treatment and self-care. Situational depression is different from clinical depression and needs to be treated differently. This article explains the difference between the two,...

Building mental toughness: Living with your own vulnerabilities

Everyone will encounter some twists and turns in life, whether it is the work challenges they face every day or some major traumatic experiences. The key to determining how well we can digest and adjust to different stresses and life transitions is our mental toughness. This is also an ability that a person with a strong heart will definitely possess. What is mental toughness? !Mental toughness ...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Analysis——INFP

INFP Philosopher (Therapist) Personality INFP (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception) is known as a philosopher or healer type of personality. They are usually quiet observers, idealistic, and fiercely loyal to their values and important people. INFPs want to live in a way that is consistent with their inner values. They have strong curiosity, can quickly identify opportunities, and often ...

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