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WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test

Workplace/career 40 4 Minutes 67
WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test
The WVI Career Values Test is a classic test compiled by American psychologist Schuber in 1970. It is designed to measure the importance an individual attaches to the intrinsic and extrinsic values and motivating factors of work. Methods for testing values and motivators. It divides professional values into three dimensions: intrinsic values, extrinsic values and extrinsic rewards. 1. Intrinsic v...

Psychological test: Would you choose the DINK family?

family/marriage 1 1 Minutes 1
Throughout a person's life, the willingness and attitude toward having children may continue to change. At a certain stage, an individual may choose not to have children due to factors such as economic or self-development. However, with individual growth, economic enrichment, or changes in concepts, people may gradually develop the idea of having children. Whether to have children and the change o...

Test your psychological maturity

Mental/Health 4 4 Minutes 13
Psychological maturity refers to a person's willingness and motivation to do something. Subordinates with high psychological maturity have strong self-confidence and are proactive in their work. They do not need too many external incentives and mainly rely on internal motivation. On the contrary, employees’ work tasks and role responsibilities should be stipulated. Psychological maturity is a man...

Life Attitude Test: Test how high your delayed gratification index is

Character/Personality 10 4 Minutes 3
In this fast-paced world, we are faced with countless choices and decisions every day. Sometimes, these choices involve an important psychological concept delayed gratification. Delayed gratification refers to the ability to choose to give up immediate happiness in the face of temptation and desire in order to expect greater rewards in the future. This is not only an ability of self-control, but a...

Fun psychological test: test your femininity

Character/Personality 2 2 Minutes 1
I wonder if women know that for a man, it is not the appearance of a woman that fascinates him, but the femininity that a woman exudes. A woman without femininity is not a real woman, and a woman with femininity is appreciated and cherished by men. Femininity usually refers to the characteristics and temperament displayed by women such as softness, elegance, delicacy, gentleness, understanding, ...

Social Psychology Test: Are you an active social star?

Interpersonal/Social 2 1 Minutes 2
In social interaction, being active and lonely are not opposite extremes, but two different states. Being active means being outgoing, confident, sociable, willing to share, actively participating in communication, etc. in social situations. This state can bring a pleasant feeling and enhance personal self-confidence and interpersonal relationships. However, some people may prefer to be alone, or...

Psychological Test: Test your relationship as a couple

family/marriage 3 2 Minutes 1
The relationship between husband and wife refers to the relationship between husband and wife in a marriage. In modern marriages, people are increasingly pursuing harmony and pleasure between husband and wife, and are eager to build a good relationship between husband and wife. So, how to maintain such a relationship as a couple? What are the signs when a rift occurs in a relationship? Resolving c...

Are you loyal to your lover?

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes
On TV and in novels, what we can see are descriptions of fidelity in love and the eternal vows of the hero and heroine. So in reality, will you also be loyal to love? Will you be faithful to your lover? Try this quiz to see how committed you are to him or her.

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