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Job hunting tips for college students: Strategies to deal with four major problems to make you more confident and competitive in your job search!

Job hunting is no longer an easy task for college students. Many college students will encounter some confusions and problems after graduation, such as not knowing which career is suitable for them, not being able to find a job that matches their major, not having a strong enough diploma, and insufficient work experience. These problems may seem complex, but they actually have some feasible soluti...

How to choose a major that suits you? Understand Holland's career interest types

How to choose a major that suits you? Understand Holland's career interest types
When choosing a major, understanding your interests, personality, and abilities is key. According to expert research, when a person is interested in a certain job, he or she can exert 80%-90% of his potential and remain efficient and tireless for a long time. On the contrary, if you have no interest, you can only use 20%-30% of your talents. Therefore, when choosing a major, you should first exami...

To repeat or not to repeat? Teacher Zhang Xuefeng gives you professional selection advice!

After the college entrance examination scores came out, some students were researching which university to apply for, some were considering what major to choose, and some students were wondering whether to repeat the studies. Recently, in the QQ user exchange group of PsycTest, some students mentioned the feasibility of repeating the course and expressed that they were confused and entangled. !D...

Holland Career Interest Test, your career compass

Holland Career Interest Test, your career compass
Have you ever been confused: What kind of job am I suitable for? What major should I choose? What career potential do I have? If you want to find the answer, you can try the Holland Career Interest Test, which is a test based on the matching theory of personality type and career type. It is designed to help you discover your career interests and abilities and choose the one that suits you. career ...

Have you ever encountered the three paradoxes of life choices?

Life is a series of choices, and each choice affects our future and happiness. However, many times when we make choices, we do not have enough knowledge and experience to support us, but make decisions in a state of uncertainty and blindness. This leads to three paradoxes in life choices, leaving us confused and helpless. The three paradoxes are: 1. Professional Paradox: At the age of 18, I was a...

Depression is not just a bad mood, it is a health killer in the 21st century! Take a 3-minute self-test to see if you have symptoms of depression

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only affects a person's mood, thinking, behavior and body, but can also be life-threatening! According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people worldwide will suffer from depression in 2020, making it the leading cause of human disability. Nearly 2 million people in Taiwan also suffer from depressive symptoms, ac...

Learn more about the MBTI Personality Type Indicator

What is the MBTI personality type indicator? MBTI personality type indicator is a tool widely used in career planning, team building, personal development and other aspects. By classifying personal preferences and behaviors, the MBTI personality type indicator can help us better understand ourselves and others, and provide us with some valuable reference information. The MBTI Personality Type In...

A must-read for newcomers: How many of the 18 minefields in the workplace have you stepped on?

You have just graduated and started your career, and you may feel like you are still a student, or you may want to excel at work and win the recognition of your colleagues and leaders. But, you know what? In the workplace, there are many details that will affect your image and development. If you don't pay attention, you may make some common mistakes among newcomers and get yourself into embarrass...

Seven common mistakes in cover letters for college graduates, how to avoid them?

A college graduate cover letter is the first step for you to present yourself to the recruiting unit and is also the key to getting an interview. However, many college students unconsciously make some stupid mistakes when writing cover letters, which affects their image and competitiveness. This article will analyze seven common mistakes in cover letters for college graduates and give you some sug...

How to conduct effective psychological counseling

In today's fast-paced, high-stress society, more and more people need psychological counseling to relieve stress and solve mental problems. In this article, we'll explain how to conduct effective psychological counseling to help you better cope with life's challenges. At the same time, we also provide free psychological tests to help you better understand your mental state. What is psychological ...

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