Human Design——Human Diagram

When each of us is born, the doctor writes the time of birth. The planetary gravity and magnetic field energy corresponding to this birth time create your innate talents and mission. Not all astrological signs, MBTI personality types or Enneagrams have the same lifestyle.

Through human diagram interpretation, you will learn what you are here to do in this life? What is your strongest talent? What are your abilities? How to make the right decision?

What is Human Design?

The Human Map is a set that integrates Western astrology, Chinese I Ching, Indian chakras, Jewish Kabbalah tree of life, quantum science, genetics, astronomy, medicine, psychology, etc., and inspires human beings to awaken their minds through the perspective of mind holography. , the relationship between energy, thoughts and reality.

The human map tells us how each person’s ‘fate’ is different, and also tells us how to ’luck’ this fate and live out the glory of life.

Although it is not based on science or research, it is built on ancient traditions that are highly respected. It would be great if your human picture matches your actual situation. If it doesn’t match, there’s no need to panic. After all, no matter what, your life is defined by yourself.

History of the Human Chart System The mystery of the Human Chart System stems from its inspiration and creation. Ra Uru Hu, a former advertising executive and magazine publisher, experienced an intense mystical experience while living in Ibiza in 1987.

During the eight-day experience, he heard a ‘voice’ from a higher form of intelligence, conveying to him the blueprint for the system, which was later developed into a book, ‘The Human Design System’ in 1992.

Ra continued to expand and teach the system over the next 25 years, remaining so until his death in 2011. In 1999, Ra Uru Hu and his family established the Jovian Archive, an online collection of materials related to the human map, to continue sharing Ra’s work and insights.

How does the human graph work?

Similar to astrological charts, it is not easy for beginners to fully understand these charts and requires some guidance. The human chart system is expressed in the ‘Ecstasy Mandala’ which includes the I Ching, the Zodiac, the Kabbalah, the hexagons of sacred geometry, and the chakra system. Human maps are calculated based on an individual’s date of birth.

The result is what is called the Human Diagram, which is an illustration of the various energy centers in the body. In the human diagram, a person’s energy or life force has a direct purpose that determines how you interact with the world. This energy is harnessed in such a way that complete mind-body unity can be achieved. There are nine different centers, or geometric figures, in the human diagram.

The basic knowledge architecture of human graph includes:

  • 9 energy centers
  • 64 gates
  • 36 talent channels
  • 4 types of energy divisions
  • 4 types
  • 7 types of inner authority
  • 12 life roles
  • Planet

The nine energy centers reflect your nine responses to situations.

Those familiar with the seven chakra system will notice similarities to the energy centers of the human diagram. Like chakras, these energy centers are the ‘hubs’ where energy is transformed and generated. Each center has a biological counterpart and specific functions. According to the Jovian Archive, the nine centers are:

  • Head Center: Connected to the pineal gland, representing the energy of receiving inspiration
  • Logical Conceptualization Center (Ajna Center): Connected to the pituitary gland, processing information received by the head center, representing the energy of thinking
  • Throat Center: related to the thyroid gland, representing a person’s communication and manifesting energy
  • G Center: Connected to the liver, representing love, life direction and self-positioning
  • Heart Center: Connected to the thymus, stomach, and gallbladder, representing the manifestation and pursuit of material things and self-worth
  • Emotional Center (Solar Plexus): Connected to the pancreas, bladder, and kidneys, representing emotional fluctuations and awareness
  • Spleen Center: Connected to the lymphatic system and immune system, representing safety and original intuition
  • Sacral Center: Connected to the ovaries and testicles, it represents sexual energy and is the driving force of life.
  • Root Center: related to adrenaline and represents the pressure of survival

In the human map, if there is a color on your energy center, it means that this energy is a center that ‘operates more’ and is ‘more dependent’. On the contrary, if the energy center is blank, it means that it is less operated. Center, but even a blank energy center can be opened and operated using acquired methods, just like the environment affects people and is a part of the energy center.

  • Colored mind center: When the mind is under pressure, it will be eager to solve its own problems, and inspiration will often emerge in an endless stream.
  • Blank mind center: easily restricted by the outside world, often giving oneself pressure and problems
    -Colored conceptualization center: think in a fixed way and enjoy each research process
  • Blank conceptualization center: think outside the ordinary thinking and focus on absorption
    -Colored throat center: has its own set of fixed behavior patterns
  • Blank Throat Center: Acting under environmental constraints and pressure
  • Colored G center: fixed love
  • Blank G center: I am contradictory and prone to self-doubts
  • Colored Willpower Center: Innate self-esteem and self-worth
  • Blank willpower center: Willpower is weak
  • Colored emotional center: You need to wait and clarify the comprehensiveness of the matter before taking action, and avoid taking rash actions
  • Blank emotional center: Emotions are easily constrained by the environment and avoid making emotional decisions on your own
  • Colored Spleen/Intuition Center: Trust your intuition and give others a sense of trust
  • Blank spleen/intuition center: more resistant to randomness and sensitive, and will feel safe when getting along with people with colored spleen/intuition center
  • Colored sacral center: has endless positive energy to unleash and create potential
  • Blank sacral center: Enjoy life more and be good at directing others to exert their energy
  • Colored root center: easy to digest stress
  • Blank root center: prone to self-doubt when receiving external pressure


The planetary symbols on both sides of the human figure correspond to Western astrology. The planets above represent where you were when you were born, and which gate they fell on, and the impact they had on you. Among them, the black part represents At the conscious level, the red part represents the subconscious mind.

  • Sun⊙: Your external performance, personal abilities and talents.
  • Earth⊕: Supports your foundation in the world.
  • North Node☊: The direction of your future, the things you will master in this life, the lessons of growth.
  • South Node☋: Your past direction, innate talents.
  • Moon☽: Your drives, emotions, and inner world.
  • Mercury☿: Your ideas and communication style.
  • Venus♀: Your values, ideals, beauty standards and desire for relationships.
  • MARS♂: Your desires, actions, and sexual desires.
  • Jupiter♃: Your philosophical and spiritual connections.
  • Saturn♄: Your inner rules and boundaries.
  • Uranus♅: Your personality and humanitarian spirit.
  • Neptune♆: Your intuition, dreams, and spiritual journey.
  • Pluto♇: Your hard-to-accept truths and struggles, the things that make you grow.

64 gates

The numbers in the energy center are called gates in the human diagram, which are derived from the 64 hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes. At the same time, from a genetic perspective, they also correspond to the 64 genetic codes. These numbers correspond to the numbers of the planets on the left and right (the numbers before the decimal point). Each gate has its own meaning. Through the gate, you can see your innate talents.

A circled number, such as 64 in the picture, means that the gate is activated, and there is a connection between the numbers. If the numbers at both ends of the connection are circled (that is, the gate is activated), it means that you have these two The talent of this channel between the gates, and the white channel means that you have not opened this channel, and only have one or 0 of the properties.

36 talent channels

If the two gates on the 9 major energy centers are connected by black or red lines, a channel will be formed. As long as they are connected into a colored solid line, whether it is short or long, black or red, or black and red. Yes, as long as the two numbers are connected, you have the channel.

The talent channel corresponds to Judaism’s Kabbalah Tree of Life. There are a total of 36 talent channels in the human graph system. Each channel represents a different type of talent and has a different function. It is your innate talent. The number of channels you have does not equal your strength. There is no comparison or good or bad.

If the channel you are activated is all black, it means that you clearly know that you have the talent of this channel.

If the channel is activated, the entire channel is red, which means that you may not know it, but in the eyes of others, you have such talent.

If the channel is activated and the entire channel is red and black, it means that you know and others can clearly see that you have the talent for this channel.

If the activated channel is half black and half red, it means that maybe neither you nor others are aware of it clearly, but you still have the talent of this channel.

No matter whether this channel appears red or black, as long as it is connected, whether you or others are aware of it or not, you have the talent of this channel.

Only half of it means that you have the characteristics of the enclosed gate, but you do not have the energy of the entire channel. Naturally, this does not mean that you have the talent of 1/2 of that channel.

Life role ‘Life role’ is like the ‘image’ we give to the external definition, showing the potential conscious and unconscious aspects of each person’s appearance in daily life. If you want to quickly get a feel for a person and understand how to interact with them, you may be able to understand them through ’life roles’.

The life role is composed of two numbers. The numbers come from the six lines of the Book of Changes, each with different characteristics. In the human diagram, there are 6 lines under the 64 gates. The combination of these 6 lines forms 12 kinds of life roles, including: 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 2/5, 3/5, 3 /6, 4/1, 4/2, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2, 6/3.

When everyone is born, the black consciousness and red subconscious of the sun (the highest position) on the planetary chart fall on a certain line of a certain gate, forming your life role.

The first number (the black decimal of the planet) represents ‘consciousness’ and how you see yourself, while the latter number (the red decimal of the planet) represents the appearance of the ‘unconscious/subconscious’, which affects how others see you.

If we use the structure of a house as a metaphor for the six lines and their characteristics:

The first line is like the foundation of a house. People in the first line always want to keep laying the foundation. Because of in-depth research, it is easy to become an expert in a certain field.

The curtains of the 2nd Yao are fully opened. Standing outside, everything in the room is clearly visible. Therefore, the people of the 2nd Yao unconsciously project their talents.

Line 3 is the transition space and spiral staircase from the first floor to the second floor. 3 Yao likes to try things out and learn by making mistakes.

The second foundation of the 4-line house. 4 Yao has already stood on the balcony and started to connect with people.

The 5-Yao curtain is tightly closed, and there are projectors with expectations outside. Therefore, the 5-Yao is projected by others.

Line 6 is the roof of the house, where you have a bird’s eye view of the house next door, the street next door, and everything below. People in the 6th line can see higher and farther than people in the 12345th line, and have a sense of transcendence.

Life Role—1/3

With this life role, you are like a warrior who always needs to fight without mentioning in your life.

However, it is recommended to be well prepared before executing. You need to be fully prepared in your heart before you can move forward with peace of mind. When you encounter obstacles, go back and readjust. Don’t go around in a dead end for a long time; and you will be more able to Gain insights from past experiences and through countless stumbles, you can more quickly adjust yourself in adversity and find the balance point in life.

Representative: Michael Jackson

Life Role—1/4

For you, the more you know, the easier it is to feel safe. Actively ask about things you are interested in, and develop a set of logic and answers to satisfy your heart. He does not take the initiative to socialize with others, but he will invisibly make others feel approachable. He also often shares his research with others and establishes good interpersonal relationships. Because he does not often take the initiative to communicate with others, he cares more about deep friendships. Friends, when the relationship breaks down, it is more difficult to repair it.

Representative: Albert Einstein

Life Role—2/4

He is born to be a capable person who is always sharp, but he is not used to the attention of others and always wants to be alone. However, because he is good at helping others, he is somewhat contradictory, but he can also build good relationships with others. Associating with people you like can enhance your energy, and you are better able to overcome timidity at this time.

Life Role—2/5

They are somewhat similar to 2/4 of the characters, but the difference is that they are not sharp-edged people. They prefer the process of being alone than socializing. They want to be an isolated island, but if someone needs help, they will jump in regardless of their own safety. Come out and solve the problem.

Life Role—3/5

If you have the courage to try, you can take the initiative to try and experience unfamiliar things. Even if you fall down, you will not give up easily, and you can find the answer to your life. I like a challenging personality and cannot stand the same, so I have achieved a rich and interesting life. I have a unique set of insights whether in interpersonal relationships or thoughts!

Life Role—3/6

Sensitive, picky, but striving for perfection, you will want to experience a variety of different lives, but many times you will give up many possibilities because you think too much, and you will always have a lot of doubts every time you face a choice. Conflict and pull. When getting along with others, if the other person is too clingy, it will make you feel disgusted, and you need space to be alone.

Life Role—4/6

Like a life coach, you are best at overlooking things from an objective perspective, using information to share it with everyone, and condensing neat content and clear instructions. Whenever your friends communicate with you, they will have a feeling of enlightenment. It’s just that sometimes you are too rational and unable to comfort others with empathetic emotions.

Life Role—4/1

Being gentle, friendly, and highly comprehended, you can easily make friends and establish a good and stable interpersonal circle. For things you want to study, you can gradually become an expert in the field through time and patience. If you want to know more Things can be more effectively utilized by interpersonal circles to obtain answers.

Life Role—5/1

You may not be particularly conspicuous at ordinary times, but if someone around you needs your help, you can quickly solve the problem. At first, you may not be able to see your own value clearly, and may even feel that you are inferior to others in everything, and are often enveloped by self-pressure. However, you are better at laying a good foundation and taking root, and providing answers at the most immediate moment. .

Representative: Lady Gaga

Life Role—5/2

You are sensitive and shy, and you feel overwhelmed by everyone’s expectations. You always like to complete things silently, and try your best to complete the tasks assigned by others’ expectations. However, it is also easy to happen that you accept things because you are not good at saying no. , ultimately leading to things that disappoint people and frustrate themselves.

Life Role—6/2

You are optimistic by nature and never stick to any small things. Before the age of 30, you will want to try various things, hoping to gain more energy from them. After accumulating a lot of experiences, you will internalize these experiences and combine them with past inspirations to settle your soul. , and can also give people around you different perspectives and inspire them.

Representative: Bruce Lee

Life Role—6/3

You already have an idea for your future blueprint. You often encounter setbacks, but you can still make a career out of it. Even if the journey is hard and long, you can always be reborn from the fire. Through countless attempts and challenges, you have passed through yourself. experience and find the direction of life.

Types of Intrinsic Authority in Human Diagrams Intrinsic authority is divided into seven subcategories. Understanding your own inner authority allows you to discern things better and trust your intuition and inner voice more.

These types include:

(Environmental) Mind or No Inner Authority About 3% of people belong to this type. Due to their openness, they get a lot of information from their surrounding environment. These people guide themselves by using others as consultees or by responding to environmental stimuli.

Self-Expression Approximately 2.8% of the population need to hear themselves speak in order to make decisions. This includes conversations with others, or sometimes saying things out loud that feel true, even if not previously realized.

Lunar Cycle Authority This type of authority is very rare, with less than 2% of people receiving authority from the lunar cycle and the 28-day transition period.

Slightly more than 1% of people with self-authority are closely connected to the heart and intention center. Instead of overthinking, these people are encouraged to improvise and let their ego speak.

4 types of energy divisions

In the human diagram, we will see that more than two colored energy centers are strung together like candied haws by some channels, dividing your 9 energy centers into several pieces. This is energy division.

If the channel can connect all the colored centers, it is a person.

If the channels are connected and the energy center forms two pieces, it is a two-part person.

If the channels are connected and the energy center forms three pieces, it is a tripartite person.

If the channels are strung together and the energy centers form four blocks, they are four people.

Energy partitioning represents different decision-making modes. simply put:

One person makes decisions decisively, quickly and without entanglement

It is easy for two-part people to hesitate between AB and AB when doing things, and decision-making is relatively safe.

When working with three people, it is easy to get entangled between A and B. In the end, you may choose C instead.

Four people make decisions very slowly, and usually require the cooperation or promotion of the people around them (maybe A and B have finished arguing and chose C, but changed it to D at the last moment)

4 basic categories

Human beings are roughly divided into four types, ‘producers’, ‘projectors’, ‘displayers’ and ‘reflectors’. Among them, producer type people account for 70% of the world, projectors account for 21%, and displayers account for 70%. 8%, while reflectors account for 1%; don’t think that you belong to the same type as most people, just because of this, you feel as if you are ordinary. Everyone has their own way of establishing connections with the outside world. Some people are suitable for taking the initiative, There are also people who are suitable for waiting, and there are nine kinds of energy to match with themselves. Here are more details on each type.

If you don’t like it, you still feel frustrated even if you accomplish your goals: Producer

Producer Celebrity: LadyGAGA

Producers have strong execution momentum and can create many things in the world. If they find a job they like, they will be very involved in it and gain a strong source of motivation from it. Like a born social animal.

And for you like this, if you encounter ’no response’ or ’no result’, it is easy to waste time and energy and end up with full of frustration; it is like finding a job that you don’t like, and then you will end up frustrated. I don’t feel a sense of accomplishment. I feel world-weary every day and don’t want to work. I only feel full of negative energy no matter what I do.

Producers are actually subdivided into the following two types: pure producers and display producers.
The biggest difference between the two is that pure producers care about ‘perfection’, while display producers care about ’efficiency’.

If you are a pure producer, you will pay special attention to every detail and link, hoping to complete everything step by step. Things do not necessarily have to be fast, but they must be perfect; a display-type producer can handle a large amount of work in a short time. You may overlook some small details, but get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Waiting for Bole to find his own Maxima: Projector

Celebrity Projector: Emma. Watson

Projectors seem to be lazy and easily tired. They cannot do as many things as producers or displays. They easily consume physical energy and are more mental workers.

Different from producers, the mission of projectors is to guide others to operate more correctly. Because their eyes are always projected on the people around them, it is easier to see other people’s needs and understand their energy and strengths; it’s just that But it is easy for you to be full of passion and eager to use your abilities, which can lead to resentment from others. Many times you will feel depressed that you are not understood.

Unfettered and a natural leader: Demonstrator

As a Manifestor, you naturally don’t like to be controlled. If you are tried to control, you will feel very angry. You don’t understand why everyone wants to control their own thoughts, and you don’t like the feeling of being resisted by others. It seems that you can only take the initiative to explain your own opinions. Only by thinking can you reduce the resistance of others and calm your inner unstable emotions.

In this way, you are more suitable to be a leader. Through communication and informing, you can let others understand yourself, and you can also find a suitable direction for the team to move forward.

As a highly sensitive person, you must get along with the right person: Reflector

Reflector Celebrity: Michael Jackson

Do you think about who you are every day? how is today?

It is easy to be affected by the external environment and people. You can feel happy in a happy place, but you are more likely to feel depressed in a depressed environment. It will change due to external changes. Because of this, you need to spend longer when making a decision, repeatedly thinking about your direction, listening to other people’s ideas, and constructing answers through other people’s answers and your own ideas, before finally making a decision.

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