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Fun test: How can you exude charm when getting along with the opposite sex?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 1
Opposites attract each other. In front of the opposite sex, everyone wants to perform as well as possible. Even if they don’t intend to do anything, they will still hope to leave a good impression in the other person’s heart. However, if there is a big difference in one’s own personality, If there are any defects, it will become a 'stumbling block' that blocks your charm.

Who around you will love you the most?

Children, have you ever played the game of knowing which type of people around you will give you the most love just from the action of eating? In the game, you can understand how you treat others, and you can also feel who loves you the most. If you haven't played it before, come and play this test with me!

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