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How does HR choose a personality testing tool that suits the needs of the company to optimize team performance?

How can corporate HR accurately choose personality testing tools to optimize team performance? In today's highly competitive business environment, corporate training has become a key means to improve team effectiveness and enhance employee capabilities. As part of the training process, personality testing tools can help HR professionals better understand the personality traits and behavioral patte...

Al Ries's 19 in-depth thoughts on new fields, new industries, and new careers

Al Ries, the global master of strategic positioning, has 19 in-depth thoughts on new fields, new industries, and new careers. Al Ries is a well-known marketing expert. He has put forward many unique insights on brands, competition and innovation in books such as 'Positioning' and '22 Unbreakable Laws of Marketing'. In this article, he shares his 19 in-depth thoughts on new fields, new industries,...

Have you tried all five mainstream personality assessment tools?

Personality is the embodiment of an individual's inner behavioral tendencies. It is unique, holistic, structural and stable, and provides a unified internal explanation for external behavioral patterns. Since Hippocrates proposed the 'Four Liquids Theory' two thousand years ago, human research on 'personality psychology' has never stopped. To this day, various schools of thought are competing for ...

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