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From myth to reality: Uncovering the secrets of narcissistic personality disorder

Are you a narcissist? Come and test it out! An ancient myth !Narcissistic Personality Disorder In ancient Greece, there was a beautiful young man named Narcissus. He has bright eyes, black hair, and a perfect face. Wherever he goes, he arouses the envy and admiration of everyone. But he disdains anyone and only loves himself. One day, he came to a clear lake and was ready to drink water. When ...

Antisocial Personality Disorder: Do you know someone like this?

Have you ever met someone who always ignores right and wrong, doesn't care about other people's feelings and rights, often lies, cheats, manipulates or hurts others, but never feels guilty or regretful? Do they frequently break the law and engage in dangerous or violent behavior without responsibility or concern for the consequences? Are they self-righteous, arrogant, and always thinking they are ...

What exactly is histrionic personality disorder? How can I get rid of it?

Introduction: Some people always like to express themselves in front of others, no matter what method they use. They may suffer from a psychological problem called histrionic personality disorder. This problem will affect their normal life and social interaction. This article will introduce you to the definition, manifestations and treatment of histrionic personality disorder. What is histrionic ...

A true interpretation of MBTI personality type: ESFP - Entertainer

MBTI Personality Type: ESFP – Entertainer ESFPs are lively entertainers who captivate and inspire those around them. They are spontaneous, energetic and fun-loving, and are also very interested in things around them, such as food, clothing, nature and animals, especially people. !ESFP ESFP Personality Type ESFPs are typically warm, talkative, and enthusiastic about life. They like to be at the...

INTP Virgo: The balancer of rationality and perfectionism

INTP Virgo is a very rational, analytical and perfectionistic character. They combine the rational, innovative and analytical characteristics of the INTP type with the cautious, perfectionistic and self-demanding spirit of Virgo. This combination creates a character who is very good at balancing rationality and perfectionism, while also having the power to innovate and transform. INTP Virgos are ...

ISFJ Virgo: A combination of detail-oriented and perfectionist

ISFJ Virgo is a personality type with stable, protective, and perfectionistic traits. They pay great attention to detail and precision and like to make things perfect. At the same time, they are also very concerned about the feelings and needs of others and like to create a positive environment for others. People with this combination are often described as hard-working, humble, reliable, patient ...

Virgo ENFP: Dreamer, Perfectionist

Virgo ENFP is a personality type full of dreams and creativity. They usually have strong imagination and creativity and are able to explore new opportunities and ideas at work. The personality characteristics of Virgo ENFP include: full of imagination, creativity, empathy, curiosity, adventurous spirit and independent thinking ability. However, Virgo ENFPs also have some shortcomings. For example,...

There are two forms of aggressive personality disorder, which one do you have? Come and test it out!

What is Aggressive Personality Disorder? Aggressive personality disorder is a common psychological problem characterized by emotional instability, impulsive behavior, reckless behavior, and lack of self-control. This personality disorder mostly occurs in adolescence and young and middle-aged years. Patients often have immature psychology, poor judgment, are easily influenced by others, have a hos...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Narcissistic personality disorder is a psychological term used to describe individuals with extremely self-centered and self-admiring traits. This disorder is often associated with an exaggerated sense of one's own abilities and importance, as well as an inattention to the needs and feelings of others. Origin and Definition The concept of narcissism comes from a story in Greek mythology. It tell...

Dependent Personality Disorder: Two simple and effective ways to get rid of dependence and find your own strength

What is Dependent Personality Disorder? Dependent personality disorder is a common psychological problem that causes people to have a strong need for the care and companionship of others. This need is not true love, but a compulsive, blind, and irrational desire. People with this problem will give up their own interests and values, and feel satisfied as long as they can find someone to rely on. D...

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