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Free online test of sleep quality self-measurement scale

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 2
Free online test of sleep quality self-measurement scale
Sleep quality is one of the important indicators for evaluating individual sleep health. The definition of sleep quality covers many aspects, including the duration, quality, depth, frequency, and ease of falling asleep and waking up. The Sleep Quality Self-Assessment Scale is a widely used tool to assess an individual's sleep status. Through a series of questions or topics, test takers can answe...

Psychological Test|Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale Online Test

Mental/Health 10 1 Minutes 5
Psychological Test|Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale Online Test
Social phobia is a psychological disorder characterized by intense fear or apprehension of social or public situations, and the resulting effort to avoid them. People with social phobia usually fear making a fool of themselves in front of others, being judged, or being rejected, causing them to encounter many difficulties and inconveniences in their daily lives. The causes of social phobia may be ...

Bipolar Disorder-Young's Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) Online Test | Free

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 13
Bipolar Disorder-Young's Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) Online Test | Free
Have you ever experienced wild mood swings, high energy, and unusual levels of activity? These may be signs of manic symptoms. Mania is a bipolar disorder that can cause problems in your life. Want to better understand the extent of your symptoms? Now, we offer you a quick and easy way to self-test your mania symptoms the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). The Bipolar Disorder Rating Scale is a cli...

Internet Addiction IAD Self-Assessment Scale

Mental/Health 2 1 Minutes
Internet Addiction IAD Self-Assessment Scale
Internet addiction, also known as Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), refers to a behavioral pattern of excessive dependence on Internet use and an inability to control oneself. This test is a free online test of the IAD self-measurement scale. It is a commonly used self-measurement scale that can help you initially evaluate whether you have Internet addiction tendencies. Please note that this is a...

Holland Career Interest Free Online Test | 90 Question Version

Workplace/career 20 5 Minutes 73
Holland Career Interest Free Online Test | 90 Question Version
Holland's Self-Directed Search is an assessment tool compiled by John Holland, an American career guidance expert, based on his extensive career counseling experience and his career type theory. This assessment has high accuracy and is widely used in guiding study, job hunting and job transition. John Holland is a professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University and a famous career guidance ex...

Test what energy you have

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
Everyone has different energies within them, and these energies are often the basis for how we behave and think. Through this test, let us explore what kind of energy is hidden in you! Based on the test results, you will learn about your unique characteristics and strengths in life.

MBTI Type 16 Personality Assessment 200 Questions Complete Version

Character/Personality 50 1 Minutes 752
MBTI Type 16 Personality Assessment 200 Questions Complete Version
Personality psychology is the science that studies the differences and similarities in the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of human individuals. The importance of personality psychology lies in its ability to help us understand ourselves and others and improve our self-awareness, self-development and interpersonal relationships. The research field of personality psychology is very broad and invo...

Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version

Character/Personality 15 1 Minutes 11
Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) is a commonly used psychometric tool to measure narcissistic personality traits. Originally developed by Raskin and Hall in 1979 with some revisions and improvements. Among them, NPI-16 is a simplified version of NPI, proposed by Ames, Rose and Anderson in 2006. The NPI-16 is a 16-item scale designed to measure an individual's tendency toward narcissis...

Online assessment of the Chinese version of the Parent Reflective Functioning Scale (PRFQ)

family/marriage 18 2 Minutes 1
Online assessment of the Chinese version of the Parent Reflective Functioning Scale (PRFQ)
Parental reflective functioning refers to the ability of parents to understand their own and their children's mental states and how these mental states influence behavior and relationships. Parental reflection function is an important psychological skill that can help parents establish secure attachment with their children, promote their children's social and emotional development, and prevent and...

Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes 2
Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation
Western psychology has conducted empirical research on meaning in life for more than 40 years. Especially with the rise of the positive psychology movement, research on the meaning of life has seen a renaissance. Meaning in life is considered an important component and/or source of psychological well-being. A large number of empirical studies have found that meaning in life plays an important role...

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