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Glass Heart: Understanding, Causes, Characteristics, and Treatment

What is a 'glass heart'? 'Glass heart' is a figurative term used to describe those who are emotionally fragile, easily hurt, and overly sensitive. These people have strong emotional reactions to criticism, indifference, or unkind words from others that are as fragile as glass. Glass Heart Level Test: The reason for the glass heart The formation of glass core may be related to the following fac...

Glassy personality: fragile or sensitive?

Glassy personality: fragile or sensitive?
In the world of psychology, we often encounter a variety of personality types. Some people are like indestructible Iron Man, while others are like fragile glass—breakable at a touch. This kind of fragile personality is usually called 'glass heart personality'. What is a glass-hearted personality? 'Glass personality' is an informal psychological term used to describe people who are extremely sens...

True Interpretation of MBTI Personality Type: ISTJ - Examiner

MBTI personality type: ISTJ Inspector ISTJs (Security-Heavy) are responsible organizers who strive to create and enforce order within systems and institutions. They are neat and orderly, both inside and outside, and have a procedure for everything. Reliable and conscientious, ISTJs want to uphold traditions and follow rules. !ISTJ ISTJ personality type ISTJs are consistent and efficient contri...

Love fortune psychological test: Calculate which love tarot card you are

Do you want to know your love fortune? Do you want to explore your emotional world and discover your true needs and potential challenges? Do you want to reveal your love destiny through a mysterious tarot card? If your answer is yes, then take our 'Calculate Which Love Tarot Card You Are' test! ! Tarot cards are an ancient divination tool that can help you understand your own heart, guide the di...

ENTP Benjamin Franklin’s Personal Growth Secrets

You may be familiar with the name of Benjamin Franklin. He is one of the most outstanding figures in American history. He was not only the founding father of the United States and participated in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, he was also a versatile scientist and writer. , inventor, his inventions and discoveries, such as lightning conductors, ...

Five-ball philosophy of life, are you playing it right?

Each of us is a clown, playing with these five balls in our life: family, work, health, friends and soul. Among the five balls, only the work ball is made of rubber and will bounce back when smashed. The other four balls are made of glass and will never recover after being smashed. This sentence sounds very philosophical and very realistic. Each of us is going through different stages of life, c...

Life challenges and personal growth for INFP+Aries

INFP + Aries: The amazing journey of the impulsive dreamer 🚀 Hey there, adventurous little lamb! As an INFP Aries, do you often run into the glass door of 'reality' on the way to chasing your dreams? Don’t worry, this article is like your horoscope guide, helping you understand your own personality, learn how to grow in the challenges of life, and make you smile after reading it! INFP Aries: The...

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