'恋' related test

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Love psychology test: Which one do you prefer, loving or being loved?

'Choose the person you love or the person who loves you?' It seems to be an eternal problem. People have always wanted to figure out, which one is happier, loving or being loved? But in the world of love, there is no distinction between high and low. No matter you choose to love or be loved, you can always achieve happiness. So, love or being loved, which side do you prefer? Let’s take a test tog...

Love Psychology Test: Test whether you are suitable for office romance?

In this fast-paced world, each of us has our own little secrets and private money. But if you were to hide your private money, which method would you choose? It's not just a question of hidden wealth, it can also reveal your personality and behavioral patterns in love. Through this fun psychological test, you will learn that the way you choose to hide your money actually reflects your attitude and...

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