How to use SWOT analysis to discover your character strengths

What is SWOT analysis?

SWOT analysis is a method of evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of your own or other objects’ internal and external environments. SWOT is the abbreviation of four English words, which stand for:

  • Strengths: The unique strengths, resources, skills, and abilities you possess that set you apart from the competition.
  • Weaknesses: These are your deficiencies, shortcomings, limitations and challenges that may affect your performance and efficiency.
  • Opportunities: refers to the favorable trends, changes, needs and spaces that exist in your environment, which can provide you with new possibilities and development directions.
  • Threats: refers to the adverse trends, changes, risks and competition that exist in your environment, which may pose a threat to your survival and development.

Through SWOT analysis, you can clearly identify your strengths and weaknesses, grasp your opportunities and threats, and thus formulate appropriate strategies and plans to improve your performance and efficiency.

How SWOT analysis applies to personal life

SWOT analysis can be used not only to evaluate organizations, projects, products, etc., but also to evaluate individuals. By conducting a SWOT analysis on yourself, you can better understand your personality strengths and types and how to better utilize them in your professional and personal life. The following are some application scenarios of SWOT analysis in personal life:

  • Career planning: You can use SWOT analysis to find out your career strengths and weaknesses, clarify your career goals and direction, and formulate corresponding career planning and development plans.
  • Study plan: You can use SWOT analysis to find out your own learning strengths and weaknesses, develop a study plan and strategy that suits you, and improve your learning effects and grades.
  • Interpersonal relationships: You can use SWOT analysis to find out your social strengths and weaknesses, understand your role and status in interpersonal relationships, and formulate reasonable social strategies and communication plans.
  • Health management: You can use SWOT analysis to find out your health strengths and weaknesses, understand your health status and risks, and develop scientific health management plans and health promotion strategies.
  • Personal growth: Through SWOT analysis, you can find out your own growth strengths and weaknesses, understand your own growth goals and needs, and formulate effective personal growth plans and strategies.

With a SWOT analysis, you can gain a deeper understanding of your personality strengths and types and how to better utilize them in your professional and personal life.

Specific steps of SWOT analysis

If you want to discover your character strengths through SWOT analysis, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: List your strengths

First, you need to list your strengths. These can be excellent traits, skills or experiences you have demonstrated at work or in life, or they can be successes or achievements you have achieved. These strengths can include aspects such as your personality, professional skills, or personal hobbies. You can write these advantages into a list or table to facilitate subsequent analysis.

Step 2: Analyze your strengths

Second, you need to analyze your strengths. You can assess your strengths by asking the following questions:

  • What are your strengths? What are you good at?
  • How do your strengths help you achieve your goals?
  • How do your strengths make you a valuable member of the team?
  • Are your strengths strong enough to handle challenges and competition?

Step 3: Identify your strengths

Finally, you need to identify your strengths and think about how to maximize them. You can match your strengths to your professional, personal, or educational goals to make sure they work for you. You may also want to consider how you can further develop your strengths, such as by learning new knowledge or skills, or gaining new experiences that enhance your capabilities. You also want to ensure that your strengths are fully demonstrated in your profile and that you showcase your strengths to others in appropriate settings.

Through these steps, you can use SWOT analysis to discover your character strengths and make better use of them.

What tools can help you conduct SWOT analysis of character strengths?

If you want to conduct a character strengths SWOT analysis, you can use some tools to help you. Here are some commonly used tools:

1. MBTI personality type indicator

The MBTI Personality Type Indicator is a tool that helps you understand your personality type and strengths by classifying your personality types based on your preferences and traits. These types include extroversion and introversion, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, and judging and perceiving. By understanding your personality type, you can understand your strengths and better communicate and work with others.

MBTI free online test of professional personality:

2. VIA Character Strengths Questionnaire

The VIA Character Strengths Questionnaire is a tool based on positive psychology theory and is used to assess an individual’s character strengths. This questionnaire includes 24 character strengths, such as curiosity, perseverance, integrity, humility, fairness, etc. By completing this questionnaire, you can discover your strengths and learn how to better leverage them at work and in life.

3. Gallup Strengths Finder Assessment

The Gallup StrengthsFinder Assessment is a tool based on anthropological and psychological research for assessing an individual’s strengths. This assessment includes 34 personal strengths, such as strategic, competitiveness, responsibility, self-confidence, etc. By completing this assessment, you can learn about your strengths and how to better leverage them at work and in life.

There is a free version of the Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment called CliftonStrengths. It is a practical, evidence-based personal development tool designed to help people discover their strengths and make better use of them.

4. DISC Personality Assessment

The DISC Personality Assessment is a behavioral style-based tool used to assess an individual’s personality type and strengths. This tool includes four types: Dominant, Influential, Robust and Cautious. By understanding your behavioral style and strengths, you can better understand yourself and how to better leverage your strengths within your team and career.

DISC Personality Free Online Test:

These tools can help you conduct a character strengths SWOT analysis, allowing you to understand your strengths more clearly and make better use of them.


SWOT analysis is a method of evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of your own or other objects’ internal and external environments. By conducting a SWOT analysis on yourself, you can discover your character strengths and make better use of them. You can use some tools to help you conduct character strength SWOT analysis, such as MBTI personality type indicator, VIA character strengths questionnaire, Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment and DISC personality assessment, etc. With these tools, you can learn about your personality type and strengths, and how to better leverage them in your professional and personal life. I hope this article is helpful to you, thank you for reading.

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