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WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test

Workplace/career 40 4 Minutes 67
WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test
The WVI Career Values Test is a classic test compiled by American psychologist Schuber in 1970. It is designed to measure the importance an individual attaches to the intrinsic and extrinsic values and motivating factors of work. Methods for testing values and motivators. It divides professional values into three dimensions: intrinsic values, extrinsic values and extrinsic rewards. 1. Intrinsic v...

Psychological test: Where can you afford to lose the most?

Character/Personality 4 1 Minutes
What is the thing you are most afraid of losing? Is it that unforgettable love, that job that makes you work hard day and night, or the money that allows you to enjoy life with peace of mind? Each answer is unique because they represent our deepest desires and fears. If you don't have an answer to this question, or you want to know more about your inner world, this psychological test is for you. ...

Sexy index test

Love/Relationship 10 3 Minutes 1
'Sexiness' is not just external charm, it is a deep attraction, derived from a person's cultural heritage, physical appearance, dressing style or subtle movements, which can stimulate other people's sensory perception , creating an invisible beauty. 'Sexy' means having a natural attraction to the opposite sex, and can even inspire admiration. It also contains a unique personality, a unique charm ...

Psychological test: One minute to find out your most fake side

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 13
Take off the mask of the long day and run towards the realm of dreams. Pumpkin carriage at midnight, put on the fairy glass slipper. Let me enjoy this feeling, I am the proud rose. Let me taste this, the understanding of the chaotic world. 'Mask' can refer to the external image or mask that people show in social interactions that is different from their true inner self. This phenomenon is especia...

Mental Age Test: How old are you internally?

Mental/Health 5 2 Minutes 8
Mental age refers to the difference between a person's level of mental and emotional development and his or her chronological age. Mental age is often used to describe a person's mental and emotional maturity and is not entirely related to their biological or legal age. A person's mental age may be higher or lower than a person's chronological age, depending on the individual's experiences, enviro...

PDP Animal Personality Test | Free

Workplace/career 15 1 Minutes 22
PDP Animal Personality Test | Free
The PDP personality test, also known as the PDP animal personality test, is a professional personality analysis system, the full name is Professional DynaMetric Programs, or PDP for short. The PDP personality test was developed in the United States in 1978 and obtained invention patents from the University of Southern California and the University of Colorado. Over the past 35 years, this persona...

Interesting psychological test: Where is your 'Achilles' heel'?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 5
People usually have an outer image and an inner self. The outer image is what people want others to see, while the inner self is what people really think and feel. However, subtle actions and words can reveal people's true thoughts, even if they try to hide them. For example, a person may scratch their head or blink while talking to someone else, which may indicate that they are nervous or uncomf...

ABO Psychological Gender Free Online Test

Character/Personality 18 1 Minutes 115
ABO Psychological Gender Free Online Test
Welcome to our free version of the Psychological Gender Test. This test is based on the concept of the ABO worldview, in which humans are divided into five genders: male Alpha, female Alpha, neutral Beta, male Omega, and female Omega. This setting is derived from the social class model in animal behavior. The highest level of the wolf social organization is led by Alpha male wolves and female wolv...

Discover the Hidden Self: The Dual Personality Test

Character/Personality 4 1 Minutes 11
Are you a dual personality? Test it now! Sometimes people don't realize that they have dual personalities, just like 'Gollum' in 'The Lord of the Rings'. There is another 'self' deep in their hearts, which pops up from time to time, so that sometimes they don't even know it. What on earth did you do? This is the dual personality at work! There is a kind of person who always seems to be smiling a...

Enneagram Free Online Test | 36 Questions Lite Version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 91
Enneagram Free Online Test | 36 Questions Lite Version
Welcome to the Enneagram Test! This is a psychological theory that describes human personality traits and behavioral patterns. According to the Enneagram theory, each person is classified into nine different personality types, each with its own unique characteristics, motivations, and behavioral patterns. This test is a free beta version of the Enneagram test questionnaire, with a total of 36 ques...

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