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Eysenck Personality Questionnaire EPQ free online test | 88-question full version

Character/Personality 18 5 Minutes 49
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire EPQ free online test | 88-question full version
The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) was compiled by British psychology professor Eysenck and his wife, and was developed on the basis of the 'Eysenck Personality Questionnaire' (EH). It was formulated in the late 1940s, first published in 1952, and officially named in 1975. There are two formats: adult questionnaire and children's questionnaire. The EPQ consists of four scales: P, E, N, a...

Self-rating symptom scale SCL90 free online comprehensive assessment

Mental/Health 20 4 Minutes 65
Self-rating symptom scale SCL90 free online comprehensive assessment
'Self-Rating Symptom Scale SCL90' is one of the most famous mental health test scales in the world and is currently the most widely used outpatient examination scale for mental disorders and mental illnesses. SCL-90 (Symptom Checklist-90) is a commonly used symptom self-rating scale. It was compiled in 1975. Its author is LR Derogatis. It is sometimes also called Hopkins's Symptom Checklist. , HS...

Psychological Test: Mental Stress Level Test

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 3
Psychological Test: Mental Stress Level Test
The Stress Test is a tool used to assess an individual's level of stress. Everyone's ability to withstand stress is different, so you must learn to 'prescribe the right medicine', first analyze how much stress you can withstand, and then further find the root cause and relieve the stress. A mental stress test can help you understand your stress tolerance and help you find ways to cope with stres...

Are you empty?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 1
Nowadays, we often hear words such as 'Oh, it's really boring, there is no point in doing anything', 'Forget it, let's just do it, there is nothing to do', etc. This is a manifestation of psychological emptiness. Empty psychology refers to the emptiness in a person's spiritual world, having no faith, no sustenance, being bored, or being addicted to Pai Gow, drinking and taking drugs, prostitution...

SDS Self-Rating Depression Scale Free Online Test

Mental/Health 8 1 Minutes 102
SDS Self-Rating Depression Scale Free Online Test
This psychological test is the professional psychological test scale SDS (Self-Rating Depression Scale). It was designed by William WK Zung MD (1929-1992), a psychologist at Duke University in the United States. It is used to assess the level of depression. . The SDS Zong's Self-Rating Depression Scale is one of the scales recommended by the U.S. Department of Education, Health and Welfare for ps...

Female self-assessed sexual dysfunction

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
Sexual function is a complex physiological process. The maintenance of normal sexual function relies on the cooperation of multiple systems of the human body, involving the coordination of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system and reproductive system. In addition, a good mental state and a healthy psychology are also required. When abnormal changes occur in the above-mentione...

Discover the Hidden Self: The Dual Personality Test

Character/Personality 4 1 Minutes 11
Are you a dual personality? Test it now! Sometimes people don't realize that they have dual personalities, just like 'Gollum' in 'The Lord of the Rings'. There is another 'self' deep in their hearts, which pops up from time to time, so that sometimes they don't even know it. What on earth did you do? This is the dual personality at work! There is a kind of person who always seems to be smiling a...

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Adult Self-Rating Scale (ASRS) Free Test

Mental/Health 5 2 Minutes 35
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD Adult Self-Rating Scale (ASRS) Free Test
ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disease characterized by persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. It usually begins in childhood and may continue into adulthood. ADHD can negatively impact an individual's learning, work, relationships, and daily functioning. ASRS (Adult Self-Report Scale) is a self-report scale used to assess possible ...

Eating Attitudes Test Scale (EAT-26) Free Online Test

Mental/Health 6 1 Minutes 2
Eating Attitudes Test Scale (EAT-26) Free Online Test
The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) is a widely used assessment tool that measures an individual's level of eating disorder symptoms and concerns. It is an improvement on the original version of the EAT-40, first published in 1979 and used to study sociocultural factors in eating disorders. The primary purpose of the EAT-26 is to provide a quick and effective method to help identify potential eati...

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