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Simple Coping Style Scale (SCSQ) online assessment

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes
Simple Coping Style Scale (SCSQ) online assessment
Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire (SCSQ) is a psychological measurement tool compiled by Zhang Yukun and Xie Yaning. This questionnaire is designed to assess the coping styles used by individuals when dealing with stress, including two dimensions: active coping and negative coping. Through this questionnaire, we can understand a person's psychological tendencies and coping strategies when faci...

Psychological test: How often do you get tired of someone?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 4
Sometimes, the people you once thought you would never tire of suddenly become tired of them... Being bored with a person is a common emotional experience. It may be because people feel bored after being together for a long time, or because certain behaviors or personality traits of the other person are intolerable. Here are some factors that can lead to boredom with a person: Spending too much ...

psychological stress test

Mental/Health 5 2 Minutes 5
psychological stress test
In the fast-paced modern society, everyone may experience some stress. Psychological stress refers to the psychological response of an individual to an individual's inability to adapt to the environment. It can come from a variety of factors, such as work, family, interpersonal relationships, etc. If you feel that your psychological stress is relatively high, don’t worry, there are now free psycho...

Love and like scale test

Love/Relationship 9 2 Minutes 3
Love and like scale test
Intuitively speaking, liking and loving are of course different. We can like many people, but only love some specific people among them. It is difficult for us to define love and like. Even love itself is a complex and multi-dimensional experience. So, what is the difference between like and love? Like and love are two different emotional expressions, and there are some differences in degree and ...

Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes 2
Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation
Western psychology has conducted empirical research on meaning in life for more than 40 years. Especially with the rise of the positive psychology movement, research on the meaning of life has seen a renaissance. Meaning in life is considered an important component and/or source of psychological well-being. A large number of empirical studies have found that meaning in life plays an important role...

Mental Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) Free Online Test

Mental/Health 15 2 Minutes 8
Mental Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) Free Online Test
Psychological Resilience Scale is a commonly used psychological assessment tool used to measure an individual's ability to cope and recover when facing stress, adversity and challenges. It helps researchers and clinical professionals understand individuals' psychological adaptability and coping strategies in difficult situations. Mental toughness scales usually consist of a series of questions or...

Test Anxiety Psychological Test for Students (TAS)

Mental/Health 4 2 Minutes
Test Anxiety Psychological Test for Students (TAS)
The Sarason Test Anxiety Scale (TAS) was compiled in 1978 by Professor Irwin G. Sarason, a famous clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychology at Washington University in the United States. It is currently the most famous test anxiety test widely used internationally. A scale designed to assess the level of anxiety an individual experiences during exams or testing situations. Test anxiet...

Picture Psychological Test: Stress Test

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes
Stress refers to the emotional reaction of physical and mental tension and uneasiness that people feel when facing challenges or demands. Stress can come from a variety of different factors, such as work, school, relationships, health, finances, etc. Moderate stress can stimulate people's enthusiasm and creativity, but excessive stress can have adverse effects on the body and psychology. In psych...

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