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Psychological Test|Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale Online Test

Mental/Health 10 1 Minutes 5
Psychological Test|Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale Online Test
Social phobia is a psychological disorder characterized by intense fear or apprehension of social or public situations, and the resulting effort to avoid them. People with social phobia usually fear making a fool of themselves in front of others, being judged, or being rejected, causing them to encounter many difficulties and inconveniences in their daily lives. The causes of social phobia may be ...

Social Phobia Self-Assessment Test

Interpersonal/Social 5 1 Minutes 6
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a psychological disorder, also known as social anxiety disorder. The main symptom of this disorder is that the individual feels very uneasy and anxious in social situations, especially when being noticed, judged, or criticized. People with social phobia often avoid interacting with others or participating in social activities, which can lead to difficulties in thei...

Social Negative Personality Test

Character/Personality 30 3 Minutes 7
Social Negative Personality Test
The official free social negative personality test (42 questions, with complete analysis) provided by this site is an interesting and enlightening psychological assessment. Through six relatively independent social negative personality dimensions, it reveals the subject's social interaction Possible negative social personality traits. These traits include aloofness, suspicion, willfulness, dominan...

Free online test on mental health for college students

Mental/Health 4 2 Minutes 1
Free online test on mental health for college students
The mental health problems of college students refer to the mental health-related distress and obstacles that are common among college students. During their college years, they face challenges in many aspects such as academic pressure, changes in interpersonal relationships, future planning, self-identity, etc. These factors may have an impact on their mental health. Here are some common mental h...

Social Psychology Test: Are you an active social star?

Interpersonal/Social 2 1 Minutes 2
In social interaction, being active and lonely are not opposite extremes, but two different states. Being active means being outgoing, confident, sociable, willing to share, actively participating in communication, etc. in social situations. This state can bring a pleasant feeling and enhance personal self-confidence and interpersonal relationships. However, some people may prefer to be alone, or...

Social Positive Personality Test

Character/Personality 30 3 Minutes 3
Social Positive Personality Test
In this ever-changing world, everyone is unique. Our personality is like a painting drawn with different colors and lines, showing our unique personality and charm. Social Positive Personality Test is a key that can unlock and reveal the positive and beautiful aspects of our personality. This test is not just a simple questionnaire, it is a process of deeply exploring yourself and discovering you...

Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale DBVS-S (Student Paper) Online Test

Interpersonal/Social 5 1 Minutes
Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale DBVS-S (Student Paper) Online Test
Bullying is defined as malicious behavior that occurs in a school environment in which one student or a group of students intentionally targets another student physically, verbally, socially, or online. Here are some common bullying situations in schools: 1. Verbal Bullying: This is one of the most common forms of bullying. It includes the use of verbal behaviors such as ridicule, insults, humili...

Honor of Kings Game Social Psychology Test

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Honor of Kings is a popular mobile game that is not only highly competitive but also has a rich social experience. In the game, players can communicate and interact with other players, build their own social circle, and even make lifelong friends. However, during the social process, some players may encounter various problems, such as provoking, insulting, leaving the game, etc. These problems may...

Career Aptitude Test: Free Online Test for Social and Business Aptitude

Workplace/career 8 1 Minutes 1
Career Aptitude Test: Free Online Test for Social and Business Aptitude
Welcome to take our career aptitude psychological test! This test is designed to help you understand your career tendencies and provide you with in-depth insights into both social and business orientation dimensions. We each have unique tendencies and preferences when it comes to career choices. Understanding your career preferences can help you better understand your interests, skills, and value...

Test how many effective social interactions are around you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
What is 'effective social networking'? Effective social interaction mainly means that you can communicate efficiently and smoothly with others. Colleagues can effectively resolve possible conflicts, express suggestions smoothly, and create a good social relationship. How can we have effective social networking? First of all, you must learn to analyze the objects of communication and effectively or...

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