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Free online test of four temperament types

Mental/Health 8 4 Minutes 14
Free online test of four temperament types
Which of the four psychological temperament types do you belong to? Temperament refers to an individual's relatively stable psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies, which reflects an individual's typical response to emotions, emotions and behaviors. It includes aspects such as speed, intensity, stability and directivity of psychological activities. Specifically, temperament inclu...

Temperament Assessment Are you a loser?

Interpersonal/Social 2 1 Minutes 3
Contemporary people pay more and more attention to the shaping of their own character and temperament. At the same time, society also has higher and higher requirements for people's quality. Therefore, whether it is a student or an office worker, the cultivation of temperament and the improvement of character are very important. Character and temperament can be said to be a basic quality required ...

Workplace Temperament Test: Test what kind of temperament you bring to the workplace

Workplace/career 3 1 Minutes
Hippocrates' 'Four Liquids Theory' believes that the different proportions of the four body fluids of blood, black bile, jaundice, and mucus in the human body constitute the different temperaments of each person: the one with the predominance of blood is the sanguine temperament, which manifests Those with a dominant gallbladder have a melancholic temperament, and those with a dominant gallbladder...

Fun psychological test: test your femininity

Character/Personality 2 2 Minutes 1
I wonder if women know that for a man, it is not the appearance of a woman that fascinates him, but the femininity that a woman exudes. A woman without femininity is not a real woman, and a woman with femininity is appreciated and cherished by men. Femininity usually refers to the characteristics and temperament displayed by women such as softness, elegance, delicacy, gentleness, understanding, ...

Psychological test: Test how high your masculine index is

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
What is a tomboy? As the name suggests, she is a woman who is like a man. This type of woman is bold, confident, and as broad-minded as a man. They don't care about trivial matters. They are independent, friendly and loyal. Not everyone has the temperament of a tomboy, and not many people can accept the tomboy around them. Sometimes a woman's personality is not revealed in her actions, but often e...

Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version

Character/Personality 15 1 Minutes 11
Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) is a commonly used psychometric tool to measure narcissistic personality traits. Originally developed by Raskin and Hall in 1979 with some revisions and improvements. Among them, NPI-16 is a simplified version of NPI, proposed by Ames, Rose and Anderson in 2006. The NPI-16 is a 16-item scale designed to measure an individual's tendency toward narcissis...

The Big Five Personality Traits: Free Online Test for the Big Five Personality Inventory

Character/Personality 20 4 Minutes 7
The Big Five Personality Traits: Free Online Test for the Big Five Personality Inventory
The Big Five Personality Inventory (Big Five Personality Inventory), also known as the Big Five, BIG FIVE, OCEAN and NEO Personality Inventory, is a widely used psychological measurement tool used to assess an individual's five core personality traits. tendency. The Big Five personality traits include: 1. Openness to experience: Measures an individual’s openness to new ideas, imagination, aesthet...

Psychological Test|Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale Online Test

Mental/Health 10 1 Minutes 5
Psychological Test|Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale Online Test
Social phobia is a psychological disorder characterized by intense fear or apprehension of social or public situations, and the resulting effort to avoid them. People with social phobia usually fear making a fool of themselves in front of others, being judged, or being rejected, causing them to encounter many difficulties and inconveniences in their daily lives. The causes of social phobia may be ...

What type of person do you fall into when interacting with people?

Interpersonal/Social 2 1 Minutes
Without interaction between people, the world would become a desolate desert. Communication brings happiness and joy to people. As a famous psychologist said: '85% of the factors for a person's success come from social interaction.' Because people have different temperament, personality and other characteristics, there will be different types of expressions in interpersonal relationships. Just a...

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