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Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes 2
Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation
Western psychology has conducted empirical research on meaning in life for more than 40 years. Especially with the rise of the positive psychology movement, research on the meaning of life has seen a renaissance. Meaning in life is considered an important component and/or source of psychological well-being. A large number of empirical studies have found that meaning in life plays an important role...

Cartel 16PF Personality Traits Free Online Test

Workplace/career 15 1 Minutes 34
Cartel 16PF Personality Traits Free Online Test
Cattell's 16 Personality Factor (16PF for short) Cattell's 16PF, also known as Cattell's 16 Personality Factor Test, is one of the most complete psychological measurement tools in the world. The 'Cattell 16 Personality Factors Test Scale' was compiled by Professor Raymond B. Cattell (1905-1998) of the Institute of Personality and Ability at Illinois State University in the United States. The Catt...

Eysenck Emotional Stability (EES) Free Online Test

Mental/Health 18 2 Minutes 14
Eysenck Emotional Stability (EES) Free Online Test
Eysenck's Emotional Stability Scale (EES) is a psychological measurement tool developed by British psychologist Hans Eysenck and is designed to assess an individual's emotional stability level. Eysenck is a professor of psychology at the University of London in the United Kingdom. He is one of the most famous psychologists in contemporary times and has compiled a variety of psychological tests. T...

Female self-assessed sexual dysfunction

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
Sexual function is a complex physiological process. The maintenance of normal sexual function relies on the cooperation of multiple systems of the human body, involving the coordination of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system and reproductive system. In addition, a good mental state and a healthy psychology are also required. When abnormal changes occur in the above-mentione...

Psychological test: professional test on the match between personal behavior style and corporate values

Workplace/career 4 3 Minutes 1
Matching personal and organizational values can effectively predict employees' positive attitudes and behaviors. In management practices such as talent recruitment, employee training, career management, organizational system design, and employee retention in corporate human resource management, the matching of personal and organizational values can be used to improve the effectiveness of corporate...

Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) Free Online Test

Character/Personality 12 4 Minutes 12
Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) Free Online Test
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) is a commonly used psychometric tool to assess an individual's narcissistic tendencies. It was designed and developed in 1979 by Professor Ruskin of the University of California, USA. NPI stands for 'Narcissistic Personality Inventory', and 56 represents the number of questions in the test. The NPI-56 uses a self-report assessment, in which subjects...

Are you empty?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 1
Nowadays, we often hear words such as 'Oh, it's really boring, there is no point in doing anything', 'Forget it, let's just do it, there is nothing to do', etc. This is a manifestation of psychological emptiness. Empty psychology refers to the emptiness in a person's spiritual world, having no faith, no sustenance, being bored, or being addicted to Pai Gow, drinking and taking drugs, prostitution...

Free online gaslighting test to test whether you are being PUAed?

Interpersonal/Social 30 2 Minutes 5
Free online gaslighting test to test whether you are being PUAed? In our daily lives, the complexity of relationships can sometimes cause us to feel confused and uncertain. Gaslighting testing is a tool that explores this complexity and can help us identify and understand the psychological manipulation that may be occurring. The gaslighting effect is a subtle method of psychological manipulation ...

Fun psychological test: Thinking pattern test, test whether your thoughts are strange or not?

Character/Personality 4 1 Minutes
Everyone has a unique way of thinking. Some people prefer logical analysis, while others are better at intuitive thinking. Some people like to challenge conventional wisdom, while others are more conservative. Differences in thinking styles may affect how we view problems and how we solve them. Culture and education have a profound impact on the way we think. Different cultural traditions and edu...

What stage is your moral level at?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 6
In the field of psychometrics, a person's moral level is also an important dimension of psychological testing. The American psychologists who made outstanding contributions in this regard are undoubtedly the American psychologists Kohlberg and Piaget. This person used the dilemma method to test moral psychology and divided the results into three Stages respectively represent a person's moral leve...

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