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Harry Potter's Patronus is a free test. What animal is your Patronus?

Life/hobbies 20 2 Minutes 13
Harry Potter's Patronus is a free test. What animal is your Patronus?
The Expecto Patronum is one of the most powerful and ancient defensive spells in the wizarding world, and it is also the most famous defensive spell. Successfully casting a Patronus Charm is extremely difficult. The Patronus Charm can be used to ward off dementors. When issuing this spell, the wizard needs to concentrate, think about the happiest things in his heart, and say 'Call God for Protecti...

Who is your guardian angel?

Life/hobbies 10 1 Minutes
Legend has it that everyone has a guardian angel in their soul. No matter what situation we are in, they are silently guarding us. Defender angels are not only our protectors but also our guides. They help us see the truth, find a way forward, and even give us strength when we need it most. But, do you know who your guardian angel is? How have they impacted your life? In your most vulnerable mome...

Fun test: Who among the Egyptian gods are you?

Life/hobbies 10 1 Minutes
In ancient Egypt, mystery and miracles intertwined into an eternal picture. This is a world woven by myths. Every pyramid, every statue, and every inscription tells an immortal legend. Along the banks of the Nile, stories about the gods spread like water. They may be majestic, loving, mysterious, or terrifying, but they all possess powers beyond mortals. Imagine if you lived in that era, which go...

Are you suffering from depression?

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 21
Are you suffering from depression?
According to a survey by the World Health Organization, approximately 100 million people around the world currently suffer from depression, and the number is increasing, making it an 'epidemic' today. Depression is a symptom of neurosis. It is a disease caused by body dysfunction caused by excessive use of the brain, mental stress, and physical exertion. It includes insomnia, anxiety, hypochondri...

Phil Personality Test | Free

Character/Personality 5 2 Minutes 12
Phil Personality Test | Free
Phil Personality Test, see the real you. This test was conducted by Dr. Phil on the famous host Oprah's show. It is known internationally as the 'Phil Personality Test' and has become the 'touchstone' for the actual employment of personnel departments in many large companies. 'What is my personality?' After answering this question carefully, then think about 'What kind of career is suitable for ...

HLWP Love Personality Test

Love/Relationship 40 4 Minutes 21
HLWP Love Personality Test
Test which love personality type you are in HLWP? Psychologists have divided human personality into four basic types, namely 'lively type' (H), 'power type' (L), 'perfect type' (W), and 'peaceful type' (P). 1. H-type love personality (lively type): This kind of person is usually lively and changeable, and likes artistic and sensual things. Love often lasts only three minutes, and love comes and g...

Eyes are more important than love, the type of opposite sex that will be eliminated by you at the first sight

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes
Most people have expectations for love, but different people have different expectations. When we are not in love, we will fantasize about what our lover will be like for the rest of our lives, and we will mentally outline the appearance and character of the perfect lover. Women in the world are picky, but both men and women hope that their relationships will go smoothly throughout their lives and...

Xi'an City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Xi'an?

Life/hobbies 20 7 Minutes
In the heart of China, there is a city that, with its long history and profound cultural heritage, has become a symbol of Chinese civilization Xi'an. This is not only a city, but also a living history book, with magnificent stories recorded on every page. Xi'an, also known as Chang'an in ancient times, is one of the four ancient civilization capitals in the world. It has witnessed many important ...

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