Search tests: 你的“套路”有多深?

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Workplace test: In the workplace, will you be tricked by others?

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes
Although there are not many people in the workplace, it is also a microcosm of society, which can cause some troubles due to interpersonal relationships and work cooperation. Because of the involvement of interests, there will also be intrigues among colleagues in the workplace, and they will also be exploited and tricked. We need to keep our eyes open, otherwise we will fall into the pit accident...

Test your physique. Are you prone to being tricked?

Interpersonal/Social 3 1 Minutes
The routine is played deeply, who takes whom seriously. In this age full of routines, are you still that simple novice? Can you tell whether the other party is trying to trick you? Today I will share with you an interesting test to test whether you are prone to being tricked? There is no right or wrong in test results, they just reflect the current situation truthfully. Please answer based on you...

'Pollution power' index test to test whether you are a real 'experienced driver'!

Life/hobbies 20 2 Minutes 4
Welcome to our fun psychology test. In this world full of whimsical ideas and endless surprises, we will explore your 'dirty power' index together. Are you ready? Let's get started! In this society full of routines, each of us may inadvertently become an 'old urban driver', driving anytime and anywhere. This does not mean that we are actually driving cars, but it means that we are able to skillfu...

How high is your 'cuteness index'?

Life/hobbies 10 3 Minutes
In this colorful world, everyone is unique. Our personalities are like a delicate picture. Some are like bright sunshine, warming and shining on the people around them; others are like the deep night sky, quiet and tolerant. In this context, the word 'cute' came into being, which represents a character trait that is both innocent and cute. The word 'cute' comes from the Japanese words 'natural st...

Test how high is your 'coordination between two quotients'?

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes
Everyone has IQ and EQ. People with high IQs have excellent thinking quality, strong learning ability, and deep understanding. They are prone to make outstanding achievements in a certain professional field and become experts in a certain field. People with higher emotional intelligence usually have healthier emotions, happier marriages and families, and good interpersonal relationships. However, ...

See how deeply he loves you?

Love/Relationship 2 1 Minutes
Open his palm and test your love does he love you as much as you love him? You already feel that you are different from before. Now you feel sad and miss you for no reason. Have you fallen in love? So is he thinking of you? Will he care about and miss you all the time? Does he love you enough to hold hands with you and grow old together? Can you give him a completely positive answer to the abov...

Picture test: TAT Thematic Apperception Test, how deeply do you hide yourself?

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 2
TAT Thematic Apperception Test, the full English name is Thematic Apperception Test, is a projective personal test invented by American psychologist Henry Murray in 1935. TAT inspires test subjects to project their inner fantasies and mental activities through sketch images, and inadvertently becomes an X-ray showing the test subject's heart and self. At present, TAT is also one of the more comm...

4 pictures to test how deep your city is

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes 21
The word 'city' seems to have always been used in both a complimentary and derogatory sense. City is a double-edged sword. If you master it well, it can help you. If you master it poorly, it will make others think that your love is unreliable. So how deep in the city are we? Let’s take a test through 4 pictures.

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