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Positive and negative affectivity scale PNAS online assessment

Mental/Health 10 2 Minutes
Positive and negative affectivity scale PNAS online assessment
The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PNAS) is a psychometric tool used to assess the degree of positive and negative emotions an individual has experienced in the past month. Positive emotions refer to those pleasant, energetic and satisfying emotions, such as excitement, pride, inspiration, etc. Negative emotions refer to those unpleasant, painful and frustrating emotions, such as fear, gui...

Will you show your true temperament in front of others?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Did the reality show reveal his true character? Chen Chuhe was criticized, Zheng Shuang was too naughty, Li Ming was too funny... People who attach too much importance to emotions are very stubborn and don't know how to give up. They always say they want to leave, but they repeatedly find reasons for themselves not to leave. He smiles happily in front of others, but is indifferent when alone; he i...

Looking at Sexual Attitudes from Paintings

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes 3
Sexual attitude is a stable psychological state of a person, which consists of three factors: sexual cognition, sexual emotion and sexual behavior tendency. The three factors intertwine with each other to form a stable and long-lasting system. The connotation of sexual cognition has the following two aspects: First, awareness of sexual norms (sexual laws, sexual morals). Second, understanding of...

Stripping habits and sexual attitudes

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 1
Sexual attitude: It is a stable psychological state of a person. It consists of three factors: sexual cognition, sexual emotion and sexual behavior tendency. The connotation of sexual cognition has the following two aspects: First, the understanding of sexual norms (sexual laws, sexual morals). Second, understanding of sexual knowledge. Among the above three factors of sexual attitude, sexual ...

Workplace Temperament Test: Test what kind of temperament you bring to the workplace

Workplace/career 3 1 Minutes
Hippocrates' 'Four Liquids Theory' believes that the different proportions of the four body fluids of blood, black bile, jaundice, and mucus in the human body constitute the different temperaments of each person: the one with the predominance of blood is the sanguine temperament, which manifests Those with a dominant gallbladder have a melancholic temperament, and those with a dominant gallbladder...

Fun psychological test: Are you a commoner or a princess?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 2
Elegance is a relative concept, which usually refers to a person's elegance, dignity, decency, refinement and other characteristics in speech, behavior, posture, dress, etc. A person's degree of elegance is usually affected by many factors, such as family education, social and cultural background, personal accomplishment, etc. The difference between a royal princess and a commoner is probably tha...

Psychological Test: Test Your Sex Type

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 2
Sex is an important factor in the harmonious relationship between husband and wife. For two people to get along happily, they must not only respect each other as guests in the hall, but also be as gluey as glue under the quilt. Regarding sex, men and women have always had different views. Whether they can meet the requirements of two people affects whether the relationship between husband and wife...

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