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How to restore energy? Try these 9 simple and effective methods

Energy is the basis of efficiency. If we lack energy, we will not be able to work and study optimally. So, what are some ways to effectively restore energy when we feel low on energy? Here are 9 simple yet effective habits that we hope will help you improve your energy levels. The first habit is to sleep more. Sleep is a source of energy, and if we don’t get enough sleep, it affects the function ...

What are depression and anxiety? What's the difference between them? How to treat? One article tells you all the answers!

What are depression and anxiety? What's the difference between them? How to treat? One article tells you all the answers!
How to deal with depression and anxiety Depression and anxiety are two different mood disorders that can have negative effects on your body and mind. Depression causes you to fall into a persistent low mood and lose your enthusiasm and motivation for life. Anxiety causes you to feel uncontrollable fear or worry that affects your daily activities and relationships. Sometimes, you may suffer from b...

Do you suffer from anxiety? How to Recognize and Deal with Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are common psychological disorders that cause people to feel excessive worry, fear, or nervousness, affecting their daily lives and work. This article will introduce the definition, symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention methods of anxiety disorders, hoping to help you understand and deal with this psychological problem. Definition of Anxiety Disorder Anxiety disorder is a ...

Understanding, diagnosing and treating obsessive-compulsive disorder

Do you often have this problem: repeatedly checking the doors, windows, and gas before going out, resulting in being late or unable to go out at all? Or can't stand a little bit of mess and always have to put things in order and wash hands/mop the floor constantly? Or constantly checking the bills that have been calculated and the exam papers that have been written? If you find yourself repeatedly...

How to recognize and deal with panic attacks? A comprehensive guide

What is Panic Disorder? How to self-test? Panic disorder is a common psychological disorder characterized by the sudden onset of intense fear and discomfort, accompanied by a variety of physical and psychological symptoms, such as palpitations, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, dizziness, nausea, and loss of reality. . Panic attacks usually last from a few minutes to half an hour, and the fr...

Analysis of MBTI 'Sixteen Types of True Love'! ENTP straight ball player, INFP pretends to be calm

Analysis of MBTI 'Sixteen Types of True Love'! ENTP straight ball player, INFP pretends to be calm
Have you ever thought that your love patterns might be related to your personality type? Do you often miss other people's cues? Are you intimidated by other people's candor? Don't you know how to express your love? Today, I want to tell you the true love look of the MBTI16 personality type, allowing you to see through his mind at a glance and never miss a good match again! MBTI Type 16 Personalit...

MBTI: your personality password

Have you ever wondered why some people hit it off with you while others are incomprehensible to you? Have you ever wondered why you excel in some areas and struggle in others? Have you ever wondered how your personality is formed and how it affects your life? If you are interested in these questions, then you may be interested in the MBTI. MBTI is a theoretical model of personality types that can...

What kind of dog does your MBTI personality type correspond to? Come and take an official free test!

Under Gu Ailing's recommendation, the MBTI personality test became a new topic after dinner. Not only can you understand your own personality, but you can also find a canine companion that matches it. So, let’s take a look at what kind of dog your personality corresponds to according to the MBTI personality type! PsycTest official free MBTI test entrance: INTJ-Chinese Pastoral Dog !MBTI-Dog: IN...

MBTI’s various states of celebrating the New Year, E people vs I people have a big difference in how they celebrate the New Year! What kind of person are you?

MBTI’s various states of celebrating the New Year, E people vs I people have a big difference in how they celebrate the New Year! What kind of person are you?
The Chinese New Year is the most important festival of the year, and it is also the time when the differences in people’s personalities are best reflected. People with different MBTI types have very different ways and mentality of celebrating the New Year. Today we will take a look at the different states of people E and I during the Chinese New Year. Which type of person do you belong to? E pers...

'Harvard Happiness Course' teaches you how to improve your happiness

What is happiness? This is an old and timeless question, and everyone may have a different answer. However, there are some scientific studies and practices that can help us better understand and improve our happiness. 'Harvard Happiness Course' is one such course. It was established by Harvard University psychology professor Tal Ben-Shahar. It has attracted more than 1,400 students to take it and ...

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