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MBTI Type 16 Personality Free Online Test | 28 Questions Simple Version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 186
MBTI Type 16 Personality Free Online Test | 28 Questions Simple Version
MBTI is a personality test classification index. It is a personality assessment test proposed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Cook Briggs in 1942 after long-term research based on Swiss psychologist Carl Jung's book 'Psychological Types'. The MBTI is a widely used psychological tool that helps people understand their behavioral patterns, preferences, and how they interact with oth...

Which member of BTS are you?

Life/hobbies 10 1 Minutes
Over the years, many fans have accompanied BTS through a difficult journey while enjoying the music. These seven treasure boys with different personalities have conquered the hearts of countless fans around the world with their unique music style, profound lyrics and superb stage performances. Are you one of them? BTS, full name Bulletproof Boys, is a male music team from South Korea. Their music...

Car seat personality test

Character/Personality 5 1 Minutes 2
A personality test that went viral on Facebook. It is said to be quite accurate! Please be sure to look carefully at the details in this picture before making your choice. Note that the first test result of this test is the most effective, so please think carefully before making your choice.

Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale Y-BOCS Free Online Test

Mental/Health 8 2 Minutes
Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale Y-BOCS Free Online Test
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common mental disorder characterized by persistent and uncontrollable obsessions and compulsive behaviors. Obsessions are recurring, disturbing thoughts, impulses, or images, while compulsions are repetitive behaviors or rituals performed to relieve these disturbances. Obsessions are often related to fears, anxieties, or doubts, and compulsions are behavio...

Are you someone who likes to 'procrastinate'?

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes 1
'Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows are there? I live to wait for tomorrow, everything will be wasted.' This widely sung song of tomorrow vividly describes the life state of many people who 'procrastinate' in doing things, and illustrates that great things cannot be achieved by always procrastinating. 'Why do I know procrastination is bad, but I still continue to procrastinate?' I belie...

Free online test: Childhood Emotional Neglect Assessment (CENQ)

family/marriage 6 1 Minutes 15
Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) refers to a situation in which a child's emotional needs and emotional expression are ignored, ignored, or ineffectively met as they grow up. This neglect may be intentional or unintentional, but regardless, it has a negative impact on the child's emotional development and health. Childhood emotional neglect does not refer to physical abuse or neglect, but rather...

Mental Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) Free Online Test

Mental/Health 15 2 Minutes 8
Mental Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) Free Online Test
Psychological Resilience Scale is a commonly used psychological assessment tool used to measure an individual's ability to cope and recover when facing stress, adversity and challenges. It helps researchers and clinical professionals understand individuals' psychological adaptability and coping strategies in difficult situations. Mental toughness scales usually consist of a series of questions or...

Career test: Will your career make a big leap in recent years?

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes
Being able to achieve some results in your career is a way to realize the value of life. Some people pursue a mediocre and simple life, while others hope to prosper in the career field. No matter what kind of life attitude, as long as it is what you really like, that's OK! Has your career made any big leaps in recent years? Or do you need a few more years of experience and experience in your curr...

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