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Where does your sense of security come from?

Mental/Health 3 1 Minutes
In the movie 'Kiki's Delivery Service', there is a very heart-wrenching line: 'Don't rely too much on anyone in this world, because when you are struggling in the dark, even your shadow will leave you.' A sense of security is important to everyone. It is very important. Its existence can help us calm our hearts and get into a better state, so as to better express ourselves. Today I would like to ...

Girl, what kind of husband should you find?

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes
Everyone likes tall, rich and handsome people, right? But when it comes time to talk about marriage, everyone will find the one who suits them best. A tall, rich and handsome person is often just a specimen of a perfect love partner and should not be taken seriously. So, girl, what kind of husband should you find? Test it and see!

Picture test: test your talent points

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 10
Talent has a huge impact on a person's life. Generally speaking, talent includes general abilities, such as talents in music, mathematics, or sports. Converting talents into skills requires training and learning. You have musical talent, and you have a relatively accurate sense of the melody, rhythm, etc. of music, but you cannot become a pianist or conductor with just these, and you must also und...

Interesting psychological test: Where is your 'Achilles' heel'?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 5
People usually have an outer image and an inner self. The outer image is what people want others to see, while the inner self is what people really think and feel. However, subtle actions and words can reveal people's true thoughts, even if they try to hide them. For example, a person may scratch their head or blink while talking to someone else, which may indicate that they are nervous or uncomf...

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