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Test whether you still have a pure heart

Do you still have a kind heart now? The 'Three Character Classic' puts forward the view that 'human ...

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Investor Risk Tolerance Test

A small test used by financial institutions to assess risk tolerance. Selected from Chapter 28 of '...

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Do you have the resilience to cope with critical situations?

There are so many unexpected events in life that often catch people off guard, and they really requi...

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What should I do if my boyfriend’s parents object?

Disapproval from your boyfriend's parents can be annoying, but it's not an insurmountable problem. H...

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Recommend 8 classic memoirs to experience a real and wonderful life

Have you ever wondered how your life is shaped by your memories? Have you ever wondered how your mem...

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Is mindfulness the contemporary spiritual antidote? Psychological counselor takes you to re-understand Jingguan

In recent years, both mindfulness and meditation have become very popular, and they are an introduct...

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Understand your own personality, start with MBTI 16 and Enneagram personality types

Both the MBTI and the Enneagram are models used to describe an individual's personality, and they ar...

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Find out where your nearest lucky god is

Where is the God of Luck these days?

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