Life Encyclopedia — Blog Post

Use the MBTI theory to classify China's provinces and see what kind of character your province is like?

The MBTI test is very popular on the Internet. Many people like to use it to understand the personality characteristics of themselves and others. They also like to use it to analyze various things and phenomena, such as movies, animations, celebrities, etc. So, if we take Chinese provinces as individuals and use MBTI to analyze Chinese provinces, what results will we get? This is an interesting bu...

Know Yourself: From Socratic Quotes to a Journey of Self-Discovery

Have you ever asked yourself: Who am I? What do I want? What are my strengths and weaknesses? How do I get along with others? How do I make the right choice? These questions may seem simple, but they are often difficult to answer. To understand yourself, you need to go on a journey of self-discovery, explore your inner world, and understand your personality, values, interests, goals, and potential...

How to get out of the trough of life? 8 effective methods

There are always ups and downs in life, and sometimes we fall into troughs and feel frustrated, helpless, and confused. At such a time, how should we adjust our mentality and regain our direction and motivation? The following are 8 effective methods that I have summarized based on my own experience and learning. I hope they can inspire you. 1. Reduce interpersonal relationships. When we're at a l...

15 top insights on life that can only be understood after going through all the vicissitudes of life

Life is a journey. Everyone will experience different scenery, encounter different people and things, and form their own concepts and values. In this complex and ever-changing world, some truths may only be understood through many vicissitudes of life, and some experiences may only be understood through personal experience. Today, I would like to share with you 15 life insights, which may give you...

16 Sincere Life Advice for Young People

Young people, how are you? I am an old man who is over thirty years old. Today I want to share with you some experiences and lessons I have learned in life, hoping to be helpful and inspiring to you. I know you may think that I am an old antique and do not understand your world and ideas, but please believe me, I was once a young man just like you. I once had dreams and enthusiasm, and I also mad...

From a psychological perspective, share 20 insights into life

Psychology is the science that studies human psychological activities and behaviors. It can help us better understand ourselves and others, and improve our quality of life and happiness. In this article, I will share 20 life insights from a psychological perspective, hoping to give you some inspiration and thinking. 1. Don’t deny your feelings easily, it is our inner voice. Our feelings are our r...

Have you ever encountered the three paradoxes of life choices?

Life is a series of choices, and each choice affects our future and happiness. However, many times when we make choices, we do not have enough knowledge and experience to support us, but make decisions in a state of uncertainty and blindness. This leads to three paradoxes in life choices, leaving us confused and helpless. The three paradoxes are: 1. Professional Paradox: At the age of 18, I was a...

How to get through the low points in life

In life, we will all encounter some difficulties and setbacks, and sometimes we may even fall into a trough and feel disappointed and desperate. How should we respond in this situation? People's Daily shared 9 tips to help us get out of the trough and regain hope and motivation. Below, I will introduce these methods in detail to you. First, go to bed early and get up early, have a regular schedul...

Five-ball philosophy of life, are you playing it right?

Each of us is a clown, playing with these five balls in our life: family, work, health, friends and soul. Among the five balls, only the work ball is made of rubber and will bounce back when smashed. The other four balls are made of glass and will never recover after being smashed. This sentence sounds very philosophical and very realistic. Each of us is going through different stages of life, c...

10 useful ideas from 'Harvard Happiness Course'

How to improve happiness? Harvard professor shares 10 practical tips Happiness is the eternal pursuit of human beings, but how to improve happiness? In his 'Harvard Happiness Course', Harvard professor Tal Ben-Shahar shared 10 very useful ideas to help us find the secret to happiness. Accept your own imperfections. We are all human beings, not gods. We have flaws and we make mistakes. This is no...

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