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MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 2986
MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version
This test is the official 93-question free test version of the MBTI Type 16 Personality Test. MBTI is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), which is a tool used to assess personality type. It was developed by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers in the early 20th century and is based on the psychological theories of Carl Jung to help people better understand ...

Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) Free Online Test

Character/Personality 12 4 Minutes 12
Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) Free Online Test
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) is a commonly used psychometric tool to assess an individual's narcissistic tendencies. It was designed and developed in 1979 by Professor Ruskin of the University of California, USA. NPI stands for 'Narcissistic Personality Inventory', and 56 represents the number of questions in the test. The NPI-56 uses a self-report assessment, in which subjects...

Free online gaslighting test to test whether you are being PUAed?

Interpersonal/Social 30 2 Minutes 5
Free online gaslighting test to test whether you are being PUAed? In our daily lives, the complexity of relationships can sometimes cause us to feel confused and uncertain. Gaslighting testing is a tool that explores this complexity and can help us identify and understand the psychological manipulation that may be occurring. The gaslighting effect is a subtle method of psychological manipulation ...

Adaptive Narcissism Scale ANS Online Test | Free

Character/Personality 5 1 Minutes
Adaptive Narcissism Scale ANS Online Test | Free
The Adaptive Narcissism Scale (ANS) is a psychometric tool used to measure adaptive narcissism. Adaptive narcissism refers to a tendency of self-evaluation, including pride in oneself, self-confidence in oneself, recognition of one's own merits and sense of accomplishment, while maintaining the ability to pay appropriate attention to and respect others. Although the word narcissism often has nega...

Maladaptive Narcissism Scale MNS Online Test | Free

Character/Personality 5 1 Minutes 3
Maladaptive Narcissism Scale MNS Online Test | Free
Narcissism is a psychological illness and a personality disorder. What we call 'narcissism' in daily life has a different definition in psychology. Narcissism refers to an individual using the image of his own body as a sexual object. His sexual orientation is sexual, and he is himself, and he has a strong sexual desire for his own image. Usually the object of sexual desire is a mirror image, a ph...

Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version

Character/Personality 15 1 Minutes 11
Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) is a commonly used psychometric tool to measure narcissistic personality traits. Originally developed by Raskin and Hall in 1979 with some revisions and improvements. Among them, NPI-16 is a simplified version of NPI, proposed by Ames, Rose and Anderson in 2006. The NPI-16 is a 16-item scale designed to measure an individual's tendency toward narcissis...

Enneagram Free Online Test | 36 Questions Lite Version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 91
Enneagram Free Online Test | 36 Questions Lite Version
Welcome to the Enneagram Test! This is a psychological theory that describes human personality traits and behavioral patterns. According to the Enneagram theory, each person is classified into nine different personality types, each with its own unique characteristics, motivations, and behavioral patterns. This test is a free beta version of the Enneagram test questionnaire, with a total of 36 ques...

Enneagram personality tendency free online test | 90 questions classic version

Character/Personality 50 5 Minutes 17
Enneagram personality tendency free online test | 90 questions classic version
Enneagram/Ninehouse is an ancient knowledge with a history of more than 2,000 years. It divides people's personalities into nine types according to their habitual thinking patterns, emotional reactions, behavioral habits and other personality traits: Type 1 Perfectionist (The Reformer): perfecter, improver, defender of principles, ambassador of order The Helper: A person who achieves others, a he...

Test which animal lives inside you

Life/hobbies 20 2 Minutes
Deep within each of us, there is a mysterious animal that silently affects our emotions and behaviors. This animal is the most instinctive and primitive part of our personality. It may be a brave lion, an agile cheetah, or a clever fox. Not only does it represent our strengths, it also exposes our weaknesses and fears. Everyone has their own unique inner animal, which represents the depth of our ...

Suzhou City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Suzhou?

Suzhou, the name itself is a poem, a painting and a dream. It is not only a city, but also an art of life and a cultural inheritance. Suzhou, the treasure of the Jiangnan water town, has whispers of history echoing in its ancient streets and alleys. Here, every brick and tile has a story, and every river records the past. Suzhou gardens are world-famous. They are the master of Chinese garden art ...

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