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Positive Emotional Affect Test Scale

Mental/Health 3 1 Minutes
Positive Emotional Affect Test Scale
Positive emotions refer to a series of positive, pleasant and pleasant emotional states, such as happiness, satisfaction, joy, hope, optimism, etc. Positive emotions have a positive impact on an individual's mental health and well-being, promoting physical and mental health, enhancing the ability to cope with stress and adversity, and improving quality of life. The cultivation of positive emotion...

Simple Coping Style Scale (SCSQ) online assessment

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes
Simple Coping Style Scale (SCSQ) online assessment
Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire (SCSQ) is a psychological measurement tool compiled by Zhang Yukun and Xie Yaning. This questionnaire is designed to assess the coping styles used by individuals when dealing with stress, including two dimensions: active coping and negative coping. Through this questionnaire, we can understand a person's psychological tendencies and coping strategies when faci...

Picture Psychological Test: Stress Test

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes
Stress refers to the emotional reaction of physical and mental tension and uneasiness that people feel when facing challenges or demands. Stress can come from a variety of different factors, such as work, school, relationships, health, finances, etc. Moderate stress can stimulate people's enthusiasm and creativity, but excessive stress can have adverse effects on the body and psychology. In psych...

Psychological test: How mentally tough are you?

Mental/Health 2 1 Minutes 10
Mental toughness refers to an individual's ability to maintain a positive attitude and endurance in the face of various pressures, setbacks, and difficulties in life. A mentally tough person can quickly adapt to environmental changes and cope with adverse situations. At the same time, he can also gain lessons and experience from setbacks and failures, and continue to grow and improve. Inner resil...

How happy is your life?

Mental/Health 2 1 Minutes
In recent years, with the rise of positive psychology in the West, more and more scholars have begun to pay more attention to the happiness of people's lives. Some studies have found that in the age group of 20 to 80 years old, as age increases, individual subjective well-being gradually decreases. In other words, the subjective well-being of college students in their 20s should be at a peak stag...

Adaptive Narcissism Scale ANS Online Test | Free

Character/Personality 5 1 Minutes
Adaptive Narcissism Scale ANS Online Test | Free
The Adaptive Narcissism Scale (ANS) is a psychometric tool used to measure adaptive narcissism. Adaptive narcissism refers to a tendency of self-evaluation, including pride in oneself, self-confidence in oneself, recognition of one's own merits and sense of accomplishment, while maintaining the ability to pay appropriate attention to and respect others. Although the word narcissism often has nega...

Positive and negative affectivity scale PNAS online assessment

Mental/Health 10 2 Minutes
Positive and negative affectivity scale PNAS online assessment
The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PNAS) is a psychometric tool used to assess the degree of positive and negative emotions an individual has experienced in the past month. Positive emotions refer to those pleasant, energetic and satisfying emotions, such as excitement, pride, inspiration, etc. Negative emotions refer to those unpleasant, painful and frustrating emotions, such as fear, gui...

Life Orientation Test LOT-R Free Online Test

Mental/Health 10 1 Minutes 13
Life Orientation Test LOT-R Free Online Test
In a world full of uncertainty, the attitudes of pessimists and optimists have a profound impact on their life trajectories. Pessimists might say they are always right because they always foresee the worst-case scenario, while optimists always move forward because they believe the future is full of possibilities. Both attitudes have their value, but an optimistic attitude often brings more motivat...

Free online test of four temperament types

Mental/Health 8 4 Minutes 14
Free online test of four temperament types
Which of the four psychological temperament types do you belong to? Temperament refers to an individual's relatively stable psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies, which reflects an individual's typical response to emotions, emotions and behaviors. It includes aspects such as speed, intensity, stability and directivity of psychological activities. Specifically, temperament inclu...

What is your image in the eyes of others?

Interpersonal/Social 2 1 Minutes 4
We all want to leave a good image in the eyes of others, but in fact, other people's impressions of us are often determined by our words and deeds. Here are some ways to help you create a good image in the eyes of others: Listen carefully: When others communicate with you, it is very important to listen carefully and pay attention to what they are saying. Don't interrupt or interrupt them, give t...

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