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Fun psychological test: What type of ideal lover do you think you have?

Love/Relationship 3 1 Minutes 2
Psychology tells us that meeting true love is not accidental, but regular. It depends on your 'love personality'. 'Love Personality Theory' believes that the lover who is most suitable for you subconsciously is the person who matches your lifestyle, emotional pattern, experience, outlook and personality. Whether two people can finally get married and fly together like butterflies, the most impor...

Can you make a lot of money from your hobby?

Wealth/Investment 1 1 Minutes
As we grow up, we face more and more choices, between rational and emotional choices, between reality and ideals, etc. When your hobbies, ideals and real conditions do not allow it, will you choose to stick to what you want to do? Or will you succumb to reality and give up your ideal hobbies? Wondering if you can make serious money from your hobby? Come and test it out!

Workplace test: Test what type of office worker you are

Workplace/career 3 1 Minutes
Regarding career ideals, everyone has their own ideas, and everyone is moving towards their own ideals. However, with different efforts and different encounters, the results will naturally be different. This is a workplace psychology test to help you find out your career ideals and see what type of office worker you are! Click the start button below to enter the test.

Are you empty?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 1
Nowadays, we often hear words such as 'Oh, it's really boring, there is no point in doing anything', 'Forget it, let's just do it, there is nothing to do', etc. This is a manifestation of psychological emptiness. Empty psychology refers to the emptiness in a person's spiritual world, having no faith, no sustenance, being bored, or being addicted to Pai Gow, drinking and taking drugs, prostitution...

Test: Do you have high requirements for yourself?

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes
Psychological gap refers to the sense of self-loss caused by the large difference between the actual perception of the original self-concept, self-intention, self-positioning or self-expectation in a new situation and the psychological experience (real or imaginary). Positive influence: For some people, when they see the gap between their ideals and reality, they will find out their shortcomings, ...

Psychological test: self-assessment of psychological tendencies for success

Workplace/career 4 1 Minutes 4
Psychological test: self-assessment of psychological tendencies for success
Success is a subjective concept that is defined and understood differently by everyone. Generally speaking, success usually refers to achieving one's desired goals, achieving desired results, or realizing one's pursued ideals. But different people define these goals, results, and ideals differently, and therefore, the definition of success is also different. For some people, success may mean achi...

Find out what your ideal dating situation is like

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Everyone who hangs out in this society will have their own circle of friends, probably from childhood to adulthood, whether they are classmates or colleagues. Among these people, they will always meet close friends, whom they meet so late that they can talk about everything. But making friends is not just casual. Everyone must have their own rules for making friends. What is the ideal state of mak...

Korea’s viral love psychology test | Find out the ideal boyfriend and landmine type hidden in your heart in 5 minutes

Love/Relationship 5 1 Minutes 28
A love psychology test that went viral recently in South Korea allows you to accurately measure the type of ideal boyfriend hidden in your heart by simply answering two questions, as well as the type and characteristics of the lover you least want to meet. Many girls who have taken the test have said The expression is very accurate. Come and test it together!

MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 2990
MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version
This test is the official 93-question free test version of the MBTI Type 16 Personality Test. MBTI is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), which is a tool used to assess personality type. It was developed by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers in the early 20th century and is based on the psychological theories of Carl Jung to help people better understand ...

Test whether you are a well-rounded workplace expert?

Interpersonal/Social 5 1 Minutes 1
Good interpersonal relationships must be found in the practice of interpersonal relationships. Avoiding interpersonal relationships and trying to get the friendship of others can only be a fish in the woods, and it is impossible to achieve the ideal goal. In fact, being popular is sometimes better than being wealthy. So how do you achieve everything? To your boss respect first and then get along...

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