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Psychological test: How often do you get tired of someone?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 4
Sometimes, the people you once thought you would never tire of suddenly become tired of them... Being bored with a person is a common emotional experience. It may be because people feel bored after being together for a long time, or because certain behaviors or personality traits of the other person are intolerable. Here are some factors that can lead to boredom with a person: Spending too much ...

How is your love going?

Love/Relationship 2 3 Minutes
Love is very complicated. Even a smooth marriage does not mean that you have gained love. As long as it is not a very mature love, the relationship will not last long. If you start a love or marriage out of boredom or loneliness, it will eventually end in failure. Because of loneliness and boredom, dependence will appear in love and marriage, which means that the relationship is already devastate...

Test your sense of security: Mental Health Assessment Questionnaire

Mental/Health 10 4 Minutes 4
Security is a feeling of confidence, safety and freedom from fear and anxiety. It is a feeling that meets a person's various needs now and in the future. It is a premonition of possible physical or psychological dangers or risks. And the individual's sense of power/powerlessness in dealing with the situation, mainly manifested as a sense of certainty and controllability. Insecurity refers to an em...

Psychological test: professional test on the match between personal behavior style and corporate values

Workplace/career 4 3 Minutes 1
Matching personal and organizational values can effectively predict employees' positive attitudes and behaviors. In management practices such as talent recruitment, employee training, career management, organizational system design, and employee retention in corporate human resource management, the matching of personal and organizational values can be used to improve the effectiveness of corporate...

Are you empty?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 1
Nowadays, we often hear words such as 'Oh, it's really boring, there is no point in doing anything', 'Forget it, let's just do it, there is nothing to do', etc. This is a manifestation of psychological emptiness. Empty psychology refers to the emptiness in a person's spiritual world, having no faith, no sustenance, being bored, or being addicted to Pai Gow, drinking and taking drugs, prostitution...

How attractive are you to the opposite sex?

Mental/Health 2 1 Minutes 1
I believe that most people want to be infinitely charming. Some people may look charming, but in the eyes of the opposite sex, they may not be really attractive. Instead, they think they are just showing off in a boring way. Some people may seem unassuming in their manners, but their every move and smile can make people tickled. What type of person are you in the mind of the opposite sex? Come a...

Should couples be on guard against each other?

family/marriage 3 2 Minutes
Some people think that couples should be intimate, that they have absolute trust in each other, and that there should be no secrets between them. They feel that there should not be a psychological line of defense between husband and wife, otherwise it will affect the level of trust between husband and wife and the relationship between husband and wife. However, no matter how close two people are...

Picture Test: Test your sense of security

Character/Personality 5 1 Minutes 3
If you want to say what security is, perhaps no one can say it. We can probably say that my boyfriend going to nightclubs makes me very insecure, and my girlfriend hanging out with other members of the opposite sex makes me very insecure. But if you ask carefully about what insecurity is, you may only be able to ask about emotions such as 'I'm afraid of being abandoned' and 'I feel very sad.' But ...

What are your psychological weaknesses?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 17
Psychologists believe that people have some weaknesses in life, and these weaknesses make people easily affected by the outside world. Everyone has human psychological weaknesses. More or less, you will encounter several psychological weaknesses that you cannot control yourself. Only by seeing them clearly can you guide yourself better. Everyone has a double-sided psychology, with both a strong ...

Enneagram personality tendency free online test | 90 questions classic version

Character/Personality 50 5 Minutes 17
Enneagram personality tendency free online test | 90 questions classic version
Enneagram/Ninehouse is an ancient knowledge with a history of more than 2,000 years. It divides people's personalities into nine types according to their habitual thinking patterns, emotional reactions, behavioral habits and other personality traits: Type 1 Perfectionist (The Reformer): perfecter, improver, defender of principles, ambassador of order The Helper: A person who achieves others, a he...

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