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Eysenck Emotional Stability (EES) Free Online Test

Mental/Health 18 2 Minutes 14
Eysenck Emotional Stability (EES) Free Online Test
Eysenck's Emotional Stability Scale (EES) is a psychological measurement tool developed by British psychologist Hans Eysenck and is designed to assess an individual's emotional stability level. Eysenck is a professor of psychology at the University of London in the United Kingdom. He is one of the most famous psychologists in contemporary times and has compiled a variety of psychological tests. T...

Positive and negative affectivity scale PNAS online assessment

Mental/Health 10 2 Minutes
Positive and negative affectivity scale PNAS online assessment
The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PNAS) is a psychometric tool used to assess the degree of positive and negative emotions an individual has experienced in the past month. Positive emotions refer to those pleasant, energetic and satisfying emotions, such as excitement, pride, inspiration, etc. Negative emotions refer to those unpleasant, painful and frustrating emotions, such as fear, gui...

Free online test of four temperament types

Mental/Health 8 4 Minutes 14
Free online test of four temperament types
Which of the four psychological temperament types do you belong to? Temperament refers to an individual's relatively stable psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies, which reflects an individual's typical response to emotions, emotions and behaviors. It includes aspects such as speed, intensity, stability and directivity of psychological activities. Specifically, temperament inclu...

Psychological test: Are you emotionally healthy?

Mental/Health 6 3 Minutes 5
The so-called emotional health usually refers to a positive, optimistic and happy emotional tone, a timely and moderately stable emotional response, a good ability to understand, control and regulate emotions, and a sound sense of reason, morality, beauty and other high-level social emotions. Emotions have many effects on our physical and mental health. Therefore, it is good for your health to e...

MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 2986
MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version
This test is the official 93-question free test version of the MBTI Type 16 Personality Test. MBTI is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), which is a tool used to assess personality type. It was developed by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers in the early 20th century and is based on the psychological theories of Carl Jung to help people better understand ...

Emotion self-assessment: Test which emotion type do you belong to?

Mental/Health 4 4 Minutes 3
In daily life, to what extent are people controlled by reason, and to what extent are they dominated by emotions? In this regard, there are great differences between people, in which temperament (mainly genetics), personality, emotions (psychologists call it 'arousal level'), experience, literacy, etc. all play a role. Emotion is an innate psychological reaction of human beings, such as joy, an...

Test your sense of security: Mental Health Assessment Questionnaire

Mental/Health 10 4 Minutes 4
Security is a feeling of confidence, safety and freedom from fear and anxiety. It is a feeling that meets a person's various needs now and in the future. It is a premonition of possible physical or psychological dangers or risks. And the individual's sense of power/powerlessness in dealing with the situation, mainly manifested as a sense of certainty and controllability. Insecurity refers to an em...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Assessment 200 Questions Complete Version

Character/Personality 50 1 Minutes 745
MBTI Type 16 Personality Assessment 200 Questions Complete Version
Personality psychology is the science that studies the differences and similarities in the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of human individuals. The importance of personality psychology lies in its ability to help us understand ourselves and others and improve our self-awareness, self-development and interpersonal relationships. The research field of personality psychology is very broad and invo...

emotional stress test

Mental/Health 5 2 Minutes
emotional stress test
Emotional tension refers to the degree of emotional tension a person feels at a certain moment or period of time. Emotional stress is often related to physical and psychological stress and can lead to many discomforts and negative effects, such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep problems, physical illness, etc. Everyone's emotional intensity is different and depends on their life experiences,...

Holland Career Aptitude Free Online Test | 60 Question Version

Workplace/career 16 3 Minutes 58
Holland Career Aptitude Free Online Test | 60 Question Version
The Holland Vocational Interest Assessment Scale can allow subjects to have a more scientific and comprehensive understanding of their own personal traits, thereby helping subjects combine personal traits with the future work world and discover and determine their own career interests and abilities. , so as to make better decisions about job hunting and career selection. This test is based on the...

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