Search tests: 性生活

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Does the quality of your sex life need to be improved?

Mental/Health 2 1 Minutes
Every couple is eager to live a harmonious and high-quality sex life, because it is an unavoidable content of life for human beings. In addition to material life and spiritual life, the rest of the content can basically be attributed to: sex life and the way to go to sex life. in process. Sex between couples should be full of fun. However, sometimes due to men’s insufficient sexual skills, the se...

Do you have problems with your sex life?

family/marriage 1 1 Minutes
Sexual activity impacts cognitive function, health, well-being, and overall quality of life. Of course, it is also closely related to reproduction. It's because of the wide-ranging benefits of sex that scientists are now worried about the lack of it which is declining around the world, whether in Japan, Europe or Australia. Sexual desire, like appetite, is innate. If it is not sufficient, there m...

Do you understand your lover’s signals of need?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 1
The reason why many women use hard-to-get and try hard is because they can understand the psychology of their boyfriends. At least they know when their boyfriends miss them the most. When you see your lover still shy and his bright eyes wandering around, does your heart feel agitated? Or is it because of a soft whisper or murmur in the ear that makes people's hearts flutter? There are different ki...

Female self-assessed sexual dysfunction

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
Sexual function is a complex physiological process. The maintenance of normal sexual function relies on the cooperation of multiple systems of the human body, involving the coordination of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system and reproductive system. In addition, a good mental state and a healthy psychology are also required. When abnormal changes occur in the above-mentione...

Psychological test: What is the relationship between marriage and sex in your mind?

family/marriage 1 1 Minutes 2
An expert survey said: 70% of people get divorced because of disharmony in their sexual lives. This is true. Regarding the adjustment of divorce, is it not only the adjustment of the relationship between husband and wife, but also the adjustment of sexual life? For marriage among legal and reasonable relationships, the biggest difference between marriage and other relationships, and the irreplace...

Fun test: What sex position makes you feel most comfortable!

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes 2
Sexual life is something that each of us will face. A reasonable sexual life can promote the harmony of the relationship between husband and wife and relieve the fatigue and stress in life. Each of us has our favorite postures, including old man pushing a cart and Guanyin sitting in lotus (shy), so do you know what posture makes you the most comfortable and the most exciting for the whole audience...

Sexology experts help you test your 'sex quotient'

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
Recently, Dr. Carmita Abdo, a world-renowned Brazilian sexology expert, announced the latest SQ (Sexual Quotient) index in London. This indicator takes the form of a self-assessment questionnaire and is mainly targeted at men. She said this is because men are often in the dominant position but have very limited understanding of sex. This test will help them understand their own situation, commu...

Is your lifestyle healthy?

Mental/Health 2 1 Minutes 1
If you have a deep understanding of your daily habits, your sleep, tobacco and alcohol preferences, sexual life, etc., and constantly improve it, you can enjoy the happiness of a healthy life. To test whether your lifestyle is healthy, just make the most suitable choice for you according to your own living habits on the self-test questions.

life events stress scale test

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 1
life events stress scale test
The Life Events Stress Scale is a tool used to assess the impact of life events an individual has experienced over a period of time on their psychological stress levels. This scale is designed to measure an individual's degree of stress to various life events and the impact these events may have on their health and well-being. Life event stress scales usually consist of a series of specific life ...

Are you sexually healthy?

Mental/Health 2 1 Minutes 1
In 1974, the World Health Organization (WHO) discussed the concept of sexual health as follows at a research meeting on sexual issues: “The so-called healthy sex (Sexual health) integrates the physiological and emotional aspects of sex. , knowledge and social aspects, which can improve personality development, interpersonal communication and love, etc. 'It can be seen that sexual psychological hea...

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