Search tests: 孤僻

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Are you suffering from depression?

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 21
Are you suffering from depression?
According to a survey by the World Health Organization, approximately 100 million people around the world currently suffer from depression, and the number is increasing, making it an 'epidemic' today. Depression is a symptom of neurosis. It is a disease caused by body dysfunction caused by excessive use of the brain, mental stress, and physical exertion. It includes insomnia, anxiety, hypochondri...

What role do you play among friends?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
There is a certain limit to how many friends a person can make in his life! Why do you say that? Because personal charm determines the level of popularity, if you are a cheerful person, then you will definitely have more friends than someone with a withdrawn personality; if you interact with people with a humble and prudent attitude, then your friends will definitely span age or age. Gender bounda...

Picture Test: Test your personality traits

Character/Personality 10 1 Minutes 24
Personality is a person's relatively stable pattern of thoughts and emotions, his internal and external measurable traits. We call some characteristics that a person shows in different situations as personality traits, such as shyness, aggressiveness, obedience, laziness, loyalty, shyness, etc. The more stable these traits are and the more frequently they appear in different situations, the more c...

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