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Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation

Mental/Health 4 1 Minutes 2
Chinese Meaning of Life Scale C-MLQ Online Evaluation
Western psychology has conducted empirical research on meaning in life for more than 40 years. Especially with the rise of the positive psychology movement, research on the meaning of life has seen a renaissance. Meaning in life is considered an important component and/or source of psychological well-being. A large number of empirical studies have found that meaning in life plays an important role...

Holland Vocational Interest Island Free Online Test

Workplace/career 4 1 Minutes 4
Holland Vocational Interest Island Free Online Test
John Holland is a professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University and a famous career guidance expert in the United States. He proposed the vocational interest theory in 1959, which has broad social influence. It is believed that people's personality type, interests and occupation are closely related. Interest is a huge driving force for people's activities. Any occupation with occupational in...

Enneagram Free Online Test | 36 Questions Lite Version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 91
Enneagram Free Online Test | 36 Questions Lite Version
Welcome to the Enneagram Test! This is a psychological theory that describes human personality traits and behavioral patterns. According to the Enneagram theory, each person is classified into nine different personality types, each with its own unique characteristics, motivations, and behavioral patterns. This test is a free beta version of the Enneagram test questionnaire, with a total of 36 ques...

Test your career success rate

Workplace/career 1 1 Minutes
What is success? A British philosopher once gave a more precise definition of success: 'Success is the gradual realization of a worthy goal.' Let’s interpret this definition word for word. 'Gradually' means that it requires an effort. 'Realization' emphasizes the need for a tangible result. 'Worth achieving' as an attributive limits the goal to a positive sense to distinguish it from negative goal...

Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) Free Online Test

Character/Personality 12 4 Minutes 12
Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) Free Online Test
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) is a commonly used psychometric tool to assess an individual's narcissistic tendencies. It was designed and developed in 1979 by Professor Ruskin of the University of California, USA. NPI stands for 'Narcissistic Personality Inventory', and 56 represents the number of questions in the test. The NPI-56 uses a self-report assessment, in which subjects...

Fat house test

Life/hobbies 20 2 Minutes 3
Fat house test
In this fast-paced society, there is a group of people who have chosen a different lifestyle they are the self-proclaimed 'fat nerds'. The word 'fat house' originated from the Internet and refers to those people who love to stay at home and enjoy two-dimensional culture, games, food and other fun. They are usually depicted sitting in front of a computer, holding a game controller, with a table fil...

Your money potential test, a digital wealth psychology test

Wealth/Investment 10 2 Minutes
'Your Money Potential Test' is a digital wealth psychology test that combines the principles of psychology and the essence of numerology. It does not just predict your wealth through a simple number game, but explores your personality, decision-making style and life attitude through a series of carefully designed questions, thereby revealing your inherent strengths and possible challenges in wealt...

Test how well you know the science fiction novel 'The Three-Body Problem'?

Life/hobbies 5 3 Minutes 2
Test how well you know the science fiction novel 'The Three-Body Problem'?
The 'Three-Body' series, Liu Cixin's science fiction masterpiece, is not only a milestone in Chinese science fiction literature, but has also attracted widespread attention and discussion around the world. Since 2006, this trilogy of works has attracted the attention of countless readers with its unique view of the universe, profound philosophical thinking and exciting storyline. From the revelati...

Psychological test: Do you yearn more for the future or the past?

Character/Personality 8 3 Minutes 1
Oscar Wilde once said that only two things in life are certain, death and taxes. If he could live to this day, I think he might add one more thing, and that is change. Change is always inevitable. However, compared with the past, people today are changing much faster in terms of lifestyle, outlook on life, values, and technology than in any previous era. We can either resist change and become ...

Can you lie?

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes
Psychologists believe that people lie to others unconsciously, sometimes without even thinking about it or even admitting that they are lying. The more people try to hide their inner feelings when lying, the more they will be exposed due to changes in various body movements. Psychologists from Belgium, Canada, Germany, the United States and the Netherlands conducted statistics on thousands of peo...

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